Front page publishing

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I have created a site using fp 2003 and signed up with a hosting service. The
service says that fp extensions are avail able at an extra cost and also
gives me the option of having ASP at no cost or ASP.NET at additional cost.
Do I need all of these to publish a site using fp 2003?
Thanks very much, but we have already signed up for a hosting service that
said it supported front page, it wasn't untill we actually got all the
details that we found that front page extensions are an additional cost. I
tried to pulish fron fp using ftp but the machine just sat there and appeared
to do nothing and wondered if we subscribe to front page extensions (http
???) all would be ok. The web site is not anything fancy just a page of
photo gallery and a few pages of details of our group with hyperlinks to
location maps etc.
It is quite possible that your site is not using the FrontPage
extensions....many sites do not need them. Also, have you tried publishing
using the interface that comes with FP and not FTP. I find it much easier.
How would I know if my site is using front page extensions and by interface
did you mean the publish option on the file menu? I am sorry I sound a bit
thick but I am new to this web site game.
Publishing via http:// method will NOT work unless you have FP extensions
installed and working on the server.

You can use FPs FTP method (or a third party ftp program) but some FP
features will not work without the extensions, and others will work but you
have to remember to upload the hidden folders too. IMO, it's much easier to
have the can even edit the site live on the server with the
extensions installed.

You can tell if you have the extensions installed by typing in if it returns a page regarding FP
extensions then you have them...but this doesn't tell you if they are
actually working. If you have them installed and then use FTP then there's a
real good chance you have broken the extensions (a common error) and need to
have them fixed.


| How would I know if my site is using front page extensions and by
| did you mean the publish option on the file menu? I am sorry I sound a bit
| thick but I am new to this web site game.
| "PBISMaryland" wrote:
| > It is quite possible that your site is not using the FrontPage
| > extensions....many sites do not need them. Also, have you tried
| > using the interface that comes with FP and not FTP. I find it much
| >
| > "Bendance" wrote:
| >
| > > Thanks very much, but we have already signed up for a hosting service
| > > said it supported front page, it wasn't untill we actually got all the
| > > details that we found that front page extensions are an additional
cost. I
| > > tried to pulish fron fp using ftp but the machine just sat there and
| > > to do nothing and wondered if we subscribe to front page extensions
| > > ???) all would be ok. The web site is not anything fancy just a page
| > > photo gallery and a few pages of details of our group with hyperlinks
| > > location maps etc.
| > >
| > > "PBISMaryland" wrote:
| > >
| > > > You don't necessarily need FP extensions nor ASP to publish pages
however if
| > > > the FP extensions are not installed on the server some
| > > > depending on what you are using on your site, may not work. Many
web hosting
| > > > services include the FP extensions at no extra charge. Look at
| > > > as an example.
| > > >
| > > > "Bendance" wrote:
| > > >
| > > > > I have created a site using fp 2003 and signed up with a hosting
service. The
| > > > > service says that fp extensions are avail able at an extra cost
and also
| > > > > gives me the option of having ASP at no cost or ASP.NET at
additional cost.
| > > > > Do I need all of these to publish a site using fp 2003?
Well thank you for the information, I'am not sure I fully understand but I
will add the front page extions option on the web host and try to bublish the
site from fp using the publish option, thanks again.
You're welcome.

| Well thank you for the information, I'am not sure I fully understand but I
| will add the front page extions option on the web host and try to bublish
| site from fp using the publish option, thanks again.
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > Publishing via http:// method will NOT work unless you have FP
| > installed and working on the server.
| >
| > You can use FPs FTP method (or a third party ftp program) but some FP
| > features will not work without the extensions, and others will work but
| > have to remember to upload the hidden folders too. IMO, it's much easier
| > have the can even edit the site live on the server with
| > extensions installed.
| >
| > You can tell if you have the extensions installed by typing in
| > if it returns a page regarding FP
| > extensions then you have them...but this doesn't tell you if they are
| > actually working. If you have them installed and then use FTP then
there's a
| > real good chance you have broken the extensions (a common error) and
need to
| > have them fixed.
| >
| > hth.
| >
| >
| > | > | How would I know if my site is using front page extensions and by
| > interface
| > | did you mean the publish option on the file menu? I am sorry I sound a
| > | thick but I am new to this web site game.
| > |
| > | "PBISMaryland" wrote:
| > |
| > | > It is quite possible that your site is not using the FrontPage
| > | > extensions....many sites do not need them. Also, have you tried
| > publishing
| > | > using the interface that comes with FP and not FTP. I find it much
| > easier.
| > | >
| > | > "Bendance" wrote:
| > | >
| > | > > Thanks very much, but we have already signed up for a hosting
| > that
| > | > > said it supported front page, it wasn't untill we actually got all
| > | > > details that we found that front page extensions are an additional
| > cost. I
| > | > > tried to pulish fron fp using ftp but the machine just sat there
| > appeared
| > | > > to do nothing and wondered if we subscribe to front page
| > (http
| > | > > ???) all would be ok. The web site is not anything fancy just a
| > of
| > | > > photo gallery and a few pages of details of our group with
| > to
| > | > > location maps etc.
| > | > >
| > | > > "PBISMaryland" wrote:
| > | > >
| > | > > > You don't necessarily need FP extensions nor ASP to publish
| > however if
| > | > > > the FP extensions are not installed on the server some
| > functionality,
| > | > > > depending on what you are using on your site, may not work.
| > web hosting
| > | > > > services include the FP extensions at no extra charge. Look at
| > | > > > as an example.
| > | > > >
| > | > > > "Bendance" wrote:
| > | > > >
| > | > > > > I have created a site using fp 2003 and signed up with a
| > service. The
| > | > > > > service says that fp extensions are avail able at an extra
| > and also
| > | > > > > gives me the option of having ASP at no cost or ASP.NET at
| > additional cost.
| > | > > > > Do I need all of these to publish a site using fp 2003?
| >
| >
| >
Then you must use File Menu | Publish Site and enter the destination as:

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
my question is: I'm new to newsgroups, and on this one I cant find a
location to type my new questions on. I get a welcome message, but no empty
page to communicate with! So I just tried answering your question (which I
have no answer for (ha ha) but I at least got to type something! Will
someone please give me the answer to my dilemna?