front page 2003




Can there be a way for a person to type a paragraph in a text box on a web
page and for it to stay on the page the same way it was typed?


why there is
why there is
etc etc

I run a poetry site and was wondering if my members could post poems
directly onto their own page and the text staying in the exact format they
post it in??

can you help?

Corey Bryant

Sure - but you probably need to look at some type of CMS / guestbook type
system. The ones that have a WYSIWYG editor would be the best. This way,
the user could try to customize the text the way they wish.



I insert a layer and then type everything in the layer. All the text stays
as you write it.



Not so. Depending on how much text you have entered and what else is on the
page, you may get an overlapping mess. This is why most of the experienced
people here will advise you not to use absolutely positioned containers for
your text. You'll get in big trouble with them.

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