Sue said:
I purchased Front Page 2000 and was using it on my laptop
(Windows ME) my current computer has Windows XP. How do
I install or make compatible.
Many Thanks
There's no magic to installing FP. It will work just fine under WinXP. The
only problem is a bug when editing CSS files. If you don't know what those
are, then you have nothing to worry about.
If you do edit CSS files in FrontPage, the workaround for this bug is to
edit your files in an external editor such as Notepad.
Also, it's important to note that WinXP Home Edition does _not_ have a web
server and cannot run Personal Web Server. If you've been editing
everything directly on your hard drive (i.e.: C:\my web sites vs.
http://mywebsites) this will not be a problem, either. If you do need a web
server, then you should make sure you are using WinXP Professional.
Good luck!