Front End Database File Size

  • Thread starter Thread starter geo
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I am using Microsoft Office Access 2003 (11.6566.6568) SP2 on a Windows XP
workstation. The database is split into a front end and a back-end. The back-
end is stored on a network drive. The front end is an mde file with one form,
a handful of queries and some compiled VBA code.

I noticed that as the database is used, the size of the front-end mde file
gradually increases.

Ordinarily, I would periodically compress an Access database because some
file size creep is normal as records are added/deleted/etc. What I do not
understand is why is the size of the front-end database increasing? There are
no tables whatsoever in there - only links to tables in the back-end. No data
is being added or deleted to the front end.

Does anyone happen to know the reason?

Hi George,

try decompiling the database

make an icon with this as its target:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
"C:\path\filename.mdb" /decompile

if your Access program is not located in the directory
specified, make the appropriate substitution

after you do this, compile it if you have any code

Here's what I know about Decompiling:
The document is for Access 97, but it is still essentially
correct for Access 2000.

-- --Roger Carlson MS Access MVP

from (e-mail address removed)

from the October 1998 issue of Access/Office/VB Advisor Magazine


Decompile or how to reduce Microsoft Access MDB/MDE size and
decrease start-up times

Unless there is a symptom I'd suggest no more than every
month or so for a front end under active development.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at


In addition to the other links you've been given, check out
what Michael Kaplan says at the following URL ...

Always make a back up copy of your MDB or ADP before using
the decompile switch. It doesn't happen very often, but I
have personally seen the situation where a class module was
no longer recognised as a class module, but appeared to
Access and VBA be a standard module, after a decompile.

-- Brendan Reynolds


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

The front end database grows because certain types of things require
workspace and workspace is not freed until the db is compacted. One common
cause of bloat is embedded SQL. Creating queries and storing them as
querydefs is more efficient since the execution plan is calculated and saved
when the querydef is saved. With SQL strings in code (embedded SQL), this
"compile" process must run EVERY time the query runs and each time it uses

Also, if the database is still under development, you will see lots of bloat
as you add/change/delete queries/forms/reports/code/macros.
You recommend to not use embedded SQL for static DDL and save that DDL
as querydefs? It's possible to save dynamic DDL as querydefs and in
this case how I pass the parameters to that DDL?

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the explanation, Pat. Even though I know that it
is more efficient to use saved queries, I change the SQL so
much I end up constructing a lot of SQL in code ... probably
one reason why decompiling usually reduces the file size
5-15% :)

I often have problems using controls as criteria in queries
for RowSources -- won't let me off the record! When I
replace it with SQL, everything works fine. I do quite a
bit of drill-down stuff in combos and listboxes.

The project I spend a lot of my time on right now has huge
tables (but not many of them -- less than 20). Today,
something wierd happened when I decompiled ... the database
GREW 3% !?! I am still trying to figure that one out!

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

The front end database grows because certain types of things require
workspace and workspace is not freed until the db is compacted. One common
cause of bloat is embedded SQL. Creating queries and storing them as
querydefs is more efficient since the execution plan is calculated and saved
when the querydef is saved. With SQL strings in code (embedded SQL), this
"compile" process must run EVERY time the query runs and each time it uses

Also, if the database is still under development, you will see lots of bloat
as you add/change/delete queries/forms/reports/code/macros.
Standard select and action queries fall into the category of DML (Data
Manipulation Language). Queries that create or modify tables structurally
are DDL (Data Definition Language). I don't believe that DDL queries take
parameters. DML Querydefs may contain parameters but they are not dynamic.
The parameter cannot change any structural element of the query. If your
SQL is truly dynamic, you have no choice but to create it in VBA and take
the bloating hit.

You recommend to not use embedded SQL for static DDL and save that DDL
as querydefs? It's possible to save dynamic DDL as querydefs and in
this case how I pass the parameters to that DDL?


The front end database grows because certain types of things require
workspace and workspace is not freed until the db is compacted. One
cause of bloat is embedded SQL. Creating queries and storing them as
querydefs is more efficient since the execution plan is calculated and
when the querydef is saved. With SQL strings in code (embedded SQL), this
"compile" process must run EVERY time the query runs and each time it uses

Also, if the database is still under development, you will see lots of
as you add/change/delete queries/forms/reports/code/macros.
In the case of many back end application's how you run DDL querydefs
to create tables in the back end databases?


Not too weird at all. When you decompiled the database, all the code got
translated into text. If you recompiled the text still stayed around. Did you
recompact the database after compiling? That's when the text is removed and
then your database should be smaller or the same size as when you started.
Jerry Whittle
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

strive4peace" <"strive4peace2006 at yaho said:
Hi Pat,

Thanks for the explanation, Pat. Even though I know that it
is more efficient to use saved queries, I change the SQL so
much I end up constructing a lot of SQL in code ... probably
one reason why decompiling usually reduces the file size
5-15% :)

I often have problems using controls as criteria in queries
for RowSources -- won't let me off the record! When I
replace it with SQL, everything works fine. I do quite a
bit of drill-down stuff in combos and listboxes.

The project I spend a lot of my time on right now has huge
tables (but not many of them -- less than 20). Today,
something wierd happened when I decompiled ... the database
GREW 3% !?! I am still trying to figure that one out!

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

Jerry said:
geo threw you a curve. He said that it's an MDE file. Therefore it can't be

Right. When I need to change the code, I simply compile a new MDE file and I
give this new MDE front end to the user. The file that is growing in size
during use is the MDE file.

All the information about decompiling the MDB file is great. In fact it
allowed me to resolve several issues that I had with other databases that I
am working on and it allowed me to reduce the size of the MDB file just like
the articles above suggest. Thank you very much for the decompile information.
It is extremely useful. It is just unrelated to my initial question.

The purpose of my database is to collect information and, after some minimal
processing, dump it into a back-end database. The front end is just a tiny
(460KB) compiled MDE file. All the data is stored in the back end.

The strange thing, to me, is that the size of the MDE file is growing during
use. It is not being re-compiled and has no local tables. Yet, it can more
than double in size after just a couple of uses.

This MDE front end has a lot of VBA code but all of it is compiled and
therefore static so that can not be growing. It has a single form that is the
user interface and similarly should not be growing in size. It has links to
eight tables in the back end - these are only links so they can not be
growing either. So I suppose that the culprits must be the queries. I have
six simple SELECT queries that do not really do anything but just display
information. Finally, I have one append query and one update query - both of
them targeting tables in the back end database. Would the append/update
queries be caching the data locally as they run maybe?

I also do have embedded SQL in the VBA so Pat Hartman's suggestion seems to
be applicable as well. These are UPDATE and INSERT statements that are

If I am stuck with having to periodically re-compress the front end, is it
possible to initiate a "Compact and Repair Database" action from inside VBA
code? I can easily monitor the file size and detect whenever a compression is
needed from inside VBA. I am just not sure how to kick off the Compact and
Repair Database action. I suppose I could always do a SendKeys with the %TDC
keystrokes but that is like fixing furniture with duck-tape…

thanks, Jerry -- I had to read the inital post again because
I missed those 3 little letters... :)

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

Hi geo,

As Pat suggested in her discussion about decompiling, you
may do something that I do -- construct lots of SQL in code.
For grins, run find out what the db has for stored
queries... this may surprise you...


Sub listQuerySQL()
Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef, db As dao.Database
Dim i As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb 'or whatever
i = 0
For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
i = i + 1

If MsgBox(qdf.SQL, vbOKCancel, _
i & " " & qdf.Name) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub

'space in debug widnow is limited
' -- not all will show... look at counter (i)
'to see what you are missing

Debug.Print "--- " & i & " -- " & qdf.Name & " ---"
Debug.Print qdf.SQL
Next qdf

Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

if you do have a lot of these temporary queries, you may
wish to set up a routine to delete them. They start with ~

I don't know how this will work for mde files... but here is
some code that works for mdb files that you can perhaps
adapt to compile your db

'NEEDS REference To Microsoft DAO Library
'make sure DAO is as high up on the order as it will go

'------------------------------------------ CompactDB

Sub CompactDB(pDB As String)

On Error GoTo CompactDB_error

' make sure db is there
If Len(Dir(pDB)) = 0 Then
MsgBox pDB & " does not exist", , "Missing File"
Exit Sub
End If

Dim mTempDB As String

'always compact/repair on a local drive
mTempDB = "c:\tmp.mdb"

'erase temporary file
If Len(Dir(mTempDB)) > 0 Then
DeleteFile mTempDB
End If

DBEngine.CompactDatabase pDB, mTempDB
' make sure compacted db is there
If Len(Dir(mTempDB)) > 0 Then
' delete original
DeleteFile pDB
' rename compacted db back to original name
Name mTempDB As pDB
WaitForFile pDB
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & "
'press F8 to step through code and fix problem
'comment out next two lines after code is debugged

GoTo CompactDB_exit

End Sub

'------------------------------------------ WaitForFile

Sub WaitForFile(pFile As String)
On Error GoTo WaitForFile_error
SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "Waiting for " & pFile & " ..."
Do While Len(Dir(pFile)) = 0
' wait for file to be there

SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description _
, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " WaitForFile"
'press F8 to step through code and fix problem
'comment out next two lines after code is debugged

GoTo WaitForFile_exit

End Sub

'------------------------------------------ DeleteFile

Sub DeleteFile(pFile As String)
On Error GoTo DeleteFile_error
Kill pFile
SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, _
"Waiting for " & pFile & " to get erased ..."
Do While Len(Dir(pFile)) > 0

SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description _
, , "ERROR " & Err.Number & " DeleteFile"
'press F8 to step through code and fix problem
'comment out next two lines after code is debugged

GoTo DeleteFile_exit

End Sub


Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

thanks, Jerry

yes, I didn't mention that, but did... compact that is,
after decomile. This particular db is set to compact on
close and I check file size after it closes.

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

Great post. This has really helped me to reduce the size of my Dbs.
However, when I run the following code to delete the queries, it does not
delete them all in one pass and needs multiple passes to delete all the
unwanted queries. The database string I pass into the sub is external to the
database from which it is run.

Any help to solve this is much appreciated.

Sub delete_sys_query(pDB As String)
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef, db As DAO.Database
Dim i As Integer

Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(pDB)
i = 0
For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
If InStr(qdf.Name, "~") > 0 Then
i = i + 1

'Debug.Print "--- " & i & " -- " & qdf.Name & " ---"
db.QueryDefs.Delete qdf.Name

End If
Next qdf

Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Rather than:

For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
If InStr(qdf.Name, "~") > 0 Then
i = i + 1

'Debug.Print "--- " & i & " -- " & qdf.Name & " ---"
db.QueryDefs.Delete qdf.Name

End If
Next qdf

which works from the front of the collection to the end, you need to start
at the end of the collection, and work forward:

For intLoop = (db.QueryDefs.Count - 1) To 0 Step -1
If InStr(db.QueryDefs(intLoop).Name, "~") > 0 Then
i = i + 1

'Debug.Print "--- " & i & " -- " & db.QueryDefs(intLoop).Name &
" ---"
db.QueryDefs.Delete db.QueryDefs(intLoop).Name

End If
Next intLoop

What happens when you work from the front to the back is once you delete a
specific query, the point automatically moves to the next query. However,
you then have your "Next qdf", which then moves to the query after that so
that you actually skip every other query.