I'm a long-time programmer, new to VB.NET/Visual Studio 2005. Sorry to
complain, but the editor is driving me nuts. I don't see how one can
get any programming done when the persnicketty thing is constantly
interrupting, shuffling and inserting.
My style is to get the code framed in as I conceive it, without regard
to correctness. When I get a section roughed in, *then* I start to
think about syntax and all that.
Is there a way to temporarily turn off the editor Nazis? I find myself
creating sections of code as comments and uncommenting afterward. That
technique would actually be OK if VB had the concept of multiline
comments, which of course it doesn't.
I must be missing something.
Also, does the C# editor behave in a similar fashion?
TIA and Love, PC
I'm a long-time programmer, new to VB.NET/Visual Studio 2005. Sorry to
complain, but the editor is driving me nuts. I don't see how one can
get any programming done when the persnicketty thing is constantly
interrupting, shuffling and inserting.
My style is to get the code framed in as I conceive it, without regard
to correctness. When I get a section roughed in, *then* I start to
think about syntax and all that.
Is there a way to temporarily turn off the editor Nazis? I find myself
creating sections of code as comments and uncommenting afterward. That
technique would actually be OK if VB had the concept of multiline
comments, which of course it doesn't.
I must be missing something.
Also, does the C# editor behave in a similar fashion?
TIA and Love, PC