Keith G Hicks
I'm working on an adp that was originally written for SQL 2000. There are
lots of varchar(8000)'s in it for passing in long strings of parameters to
procs. We converted the backend to SQL 2005 some time ago and I'm working on
changing the varchar(8000)'s to varchar(max)'s. I'm some places this is not
a big deal, like the following code that sets the source for a report:
sSql = "EXEC sp_RptSalesList '" _
& Format(dteGetDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "', '" _
& strInOrOutCounty & "', '" _
& Replace(strGetCounties, "'", "''''") & "', '" _
& strGetAttyIDs & "'"
rs.Open sSql, cnnCurrProj, adOpenStatic
Me.RecordSource = rs.Source
But in some places where I call proces to do things I have the following:
..Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@ParentAttyIDs", adVarChar,
adParamInput, 8000, strGetParentAttyIDs)
I have no idea what to change adVarChar and it's associated 8000 to in order
to use the input param that's now a varchar(max).
Could someone let me know where to find this info or what to use instead?
lots of varchar(8000)'s in it for passing in long strings of parameters to
procs. We converted the backend to SQL 2005 some time ago and I'm working on
changing the varchar(8000)'s to varchar(max)'s. I'm some places this is not
a big deal, like the following code that sets the source for a report:
sSql = "EXEC sp_RptSalesList '" _
& Format(dteGetDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "', '" _
& strInOrOutCounty & "', '" _
& Replace(strGetCounties, "'", "''''") & "', '" _
& strGetAttyIDs & "'"
rs.Open sSql, cnnCurrProj, adOpenStatic
Me.RecordSource = rs.Source
But in some places where I call proces to do things I have the following:
..Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@ParentAttyIDs", adVarChar,
adParamInput, 8000, strGetParentAttyIDs)
I have no idea what to change adVarChar and it's associated 8000 to in order
to use the input param that's now a varchar(max).
Could someone let me know where to find this info or what to use instead?