Windows XP From NTFS to FAT32

May 30, 2005
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I would like to convert my PC file system from NTFS to FAT32.
Please, is it possible to do it without formatting?
You might be able to buy something like Partition Magic to convert it for you, but I don't know if there would be any repercussions if you are doing it on a live OS.

I presume that you want the information to remain intact? Also, why do you want to convert back to Fat32?
Nope, no way to keep your information unless you leave the information you have on one hd and partition it there, and do a Fat32 format on another partition... but after you switch from fat32 to ntfs or vice versa, you can no longer access that information on the old format... And why switch to fat32? unless your HDD is less then 25gigs or you need to run old software, it'll just slow your computer down. Cheers.