i have table "Transaction detail" consist of 5 records and
fields are
transactionID,DistrCost,ResaleAmount,ResaleQuantity. i
created query "qry DistrCost" to calculate AveDC.
Now i want to recall that 5 records under "AveDC" field to
calculate in another query which is "qry
ResaleAmount".Below is SQL term.
SELECT TransactionDetail.ResaleAmount, [ResaleAmount]/
[TransactionDetail]![ResaleQuantity] AS AveResale, 0.8*
[AveResale] AS [AveResale@80%], IIf(([AveResale@80%]<[qry
DistrCost]![AveDC]),1,0) AS [Resale@80%-AveDC]
FROM TransactionDetail, [qry DistrCost]
WHERE ((([qry DistrCost].AveDC) Is Not Null));
after executed it i got 25 records instead of 5.i believe
the mistake whould be in WHERE statement but i dont know
what to replace it. any suggestion to make correct?
fields are
transactionID,DistrCost,ResaleAmount,ResaleQuantity. i
created query "qry DistrCost" to calculate AveDC.
Now i want to recall that 5 records under "AveDC" field to
calculate in another query which is "qry
ResaleAmount".Below is SQL term.
SELECT TransactionDetail.ResaleAmount, [ResaleAmount]/
[TransactionDetail]![ResaleQuantity] AS AveResale, 0.8*
[AveResale] AS [AveResale@80%], IIf(([AveResale@80%]<[qry
DistrCost]![AveDC]),1,0) AS [Resale@80%-AveDC]
FROM TransactionDetail, [qry DistrCost]
WHERE ((([qry DistrCost].AveDC) Is Not Null));
after executed it i got 25 records instead of 5.i believe
the mistake whould be in WHERE statement but i dont know
what to replace it. any suggestion to make correct?