Allen Maki
Console::WriteLine() I am trying to use message box instead of
Console::WriteLine() to upgrade my code from just using the console to using
In the bottom 2 lines, #1 works, but I have hard time to make # 2 works. Can
anybody give a hand here to make the information to be shown on the message
box instead of being shown on the console.
I am using visual C++ .NET 2003
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gcroot.h>
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
typedef void* HWND;
[DllImportAttribute("User32.dll", CharSet=CharSet::Auto)]
extern "C" int MessageBox(HWND hw, String* text,
String* caption, unsigned int type);
__gc class MClass
int val;
MClass(int n) //costructor
val = n;
class UClass
public :
gcroot<MClass*> mc;
UClass(MClass* pmc) //constructor
mc = pmc;
int getValue() //get function
return mc->val;
int _tmain()
//Create a managed object and assign 3 to it
MClass* pm = new MClass (3);
//Create an unmanaged object and assign the value of the manged object (pm)
to it
UClass uc(pm);
Console::WriteLine(S"Value is {0}", __box(uc.getValue())); //<-------- This
will work # 1
//MessageBox(0, uc.getValue(), S"Message Box...", 0 ); //<------- this will
not work # 2
return 0;
Console::WriteLine() I am trying to use message box instead of
Console::WriteLine() to upgrade my code from just using the console to using
In the bottom 2 lines, #1 works, but I have hard time to make # 2 works. Can
anybody give a hand here to make the information to be shown on the message
box instead of being shown on the console.
I am using visual C++ .NET 2003
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gcroot.h>
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
typedef void* HWND;
[DllImportAttribute("User32.dll", CharSet=CharSet::Auto)]
extern "C" int MessageBox(HWND hw, String* text,
String* caption, unsigned int type);
__gc class MClass
int val;
MClass(int n) //costructor
val = n;
class UClass
public :
gcroot<MClass*> mc;
UClass(MClass* pmc) //constructor
mc = pmc;
int getValue() //get function
return mc->val;
int _tmain()
//Create a managed object and assign 3 to it
MClass* pm = new MClass (3);
//Create an unmanaged object and assign the value of the manged object (pm)
to it
UClass uc(pm);
Console::WriteLine(S"Value is {0}", __box(uc.getValue())); //<-------- This
will work # 1
//MessageBox(0, uc.getValue(), S"Message Box...", 0 ); //<------- this will
not work # 2
return 0;