I only know slightly more than the basics in Access, and I'm sure there is a
better way to do what I want to do. I am also familiar with bits of SQL and
VB, but only bits... now, onto the question.
I'm doing Masters research and have created an Access database to track my
notes. It's pretty simple and I'm sure poorly designed, but I have three
tables at the moment:
1) Sources (SourceID, Title, Author, Date, Publisher, City)
2) Categories (CategoryID, Category, Sub-Category) --> for organizing and
grouping notes by topic rather than by source.
3) Notes (NotesID,Source from #2, Category from #2, Notes)
I have also created a series of reports. I know that if I want to export a
report into rich text format, I can right click it and click export, but that
doesn't quite do what I need. I would like to export to rtf, but also
control line breaks, etc., rather than have the exported rtf match exactly my
For example, I created a report to generate a quick bibliographic listing.
The report only has one field (=[Author] & ". " & [Title] & ". " &
[Publisher] & ": " & [City] & ", " & [Date] & "."). This successfully lists
and sorts the sources, but when I export the report to rtf and open it in
Word, it tries too hard to keep the formatting, and even adds line breaks if
the field wraps.
If I'm intending on most of this information making its way to Word, is
there a simpler way to handle exporting data in a controlled format?
Hopefully that made some sense. If you wish to take a look at the database
(and you trust that I haven't encoded any viruses into it), you can download
it here:
Feel free to comment on anything else that strikes you, too; I make no
claims that it is a well designed database, but I don't have much experience
at these.
Thanks in advance,
I only know slightly more than the basics in Access, and I'm sure there is a
better way to do what I want to do. I am also familiar with bits of SQL and
VB, but only bits... now, onto the question.
I'm doing Masters research and have created an Access database to track my
notes. It's pretty simple and I'm sure poorly designed, but I have three
tables at the moment:
1) Sources (SourceID, Title, Author, Date, Publisher, City)
2) Categories (CategoryID, Category, Sub-Category) --> for organizing and
grouping notes by topic rather than by source.
3) Notes (NotesID,Source from #2, Category from #2, Notes)
I have also created a series of reports. I know that if I want to export a
report into rich text format, I can right click it and click export, but that
doesn't quite do what I need. I would like to export to rtf, but also
control line breaks, etc., rather than have the exported rtf match exactly my
For example, I created a report to generate a quick bibliographic listing.
The report only has one field (=[Author] & ". " & [Title] & ". " &
[Publisher] & ": " & [City] & ", " & [Date] & "."). This successfully lists
and sorts the sources, but when I export the report to rtf and open it in
Word, it tries too hard to keep the formatting, and even adds line breaks if
the field wraps.
If I'm intending on most of this information making its way to Word, is
there a simpler way to handle exporting data in a controlled format?
Hopefully that made some sense. If you wish to take a look at the database
(and you trust that I haven't encoded any viruses into it), you can download
it here:
Feel free to comment on anything else that strikes you, too; I make no
claims that it is a well designed database, but I don't have much experience
at these.
Thanks in advance,