Tangent Computer Inc. has filed this suit. Not sure who they are.
Fresh antitrust action starts against Microsoft
"After running through the history of the PC, Tangent alleges that
Microsoft has still failed to comply with a number of instructions and
continues to violate Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C., §2."
"Tangent wants a jury trial."
It seems like these days it's become de rigueur in anti-trust cases to
write a history of the PC industry and then ask for a jury trial, after
AMD did it.
Yousuf Khan
Fresh antitrust action starts against Microsoft
"After running through the history of the PC, Tangent alleges that
Microsoft has still failed to comply with a number of instructions and
continues to violate Section 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C., §2."
"Tangent wants a jury trial."
It seems like these days it's become de rigueur in anti-trust cases to
write a history of the PC industry and then ask for a jury trial, after
AMD did it.

Yousuf Khan