I'm not sure this will work well for you, but it might be worth a try.
Why not create a workbook with just the formulas in place, but without the
data? Then you'd open that workbook, import the data into it and save it out
with a new name?
If that's not good for you, perhaps simply copying the formulas into a
notepad (.txt) file and saving it so that you can open it and copy and paste
from it later?
One other way I could think of IF the formula is always typed in the same
way, into the same cell(s) and using references to the same cells to get
its/their values from would be to Record a Macro while entering the
formula/formulas -- when you start recording it, give it a
easy-to-remember-meaningful name and save it into your PERSONAL.xls workbook,
so that it is always available to you no matter what workbook you have open.
Then execute the macro/macros when you need to enter those exact same
formulas in the same exact locations in a new workbook.