Freezing windows


N Hanlon

I'm having problems with some windows taking a long time to open, example
would be Outlook, some help files, Remote Assistance to name but a few.
They appear to have stopped responding but after about 2 minutes will fire
into life. I have scanned for viruses, adware, spyware (all with up-to-date
programs) and I am clean. I have all XP updates including SP2. I can't
pinpoint when it started as I think it has built up. I can't run SFC
/scanview as it asks for my installation disc - I don't have one, none came
with the computer. This make me think I have some corrupted files but
without the instalation disc I'm a bit stumped as to where to go from here.
I have mountains of stuff on here so I am tring to preserve it intact. Any

Gerry Cornell

How much RAM memory? What processor speed? How large is your hard disk
and how much free space? How are you handling virtual memory?


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


N Hanlon

Finally got it after MANY hours. Some of the services running in the
background were playing havoc. I disabled all non microsoft ones and
everything is working fine. So far nothing else seems to have been
affected. Thanks anyway for the interest


Gerry Cornell


How did they get there?

What anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall programmes are you using?

(e-mail address removed)

Gerry Cornell


Please ignore my last post. This was I intended to send.

How did they get there?

What services are they? Are you sure you have not been hijacked?

Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


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