Seem 2B Lost
Okay, im somewhat lost and more than a little confused.
Randomly, or at least what seems randomly to me, IE6
browser will now hang and stop responding immediately
after clicking on any web link that attempts to open in a
new window. Right click and opening in new window does
same thing. Oddly enough, if the link uses the original
window, there is now problem. I'm guessing the registry
got screwed, something with the command to open in new
window (I had a couple viruses recently.) Don't know
where to look in registry values though... or if that is
the problem. If anyone has any ideas.... they are greatly
Randomly, or at least what seems randomly to me, IE6
browser will now hang and stop responding immediately
after clicking on any web link that attempts to open in a
new window. Right click and opening in new window does
same thing. Oddly enough, if the link uses the original
window, there is now problem. I'm guessing the registry
got screwed, something with the command to open in new
window (I had a couple viruses recently.) Don't know
where to look in registry values though... or if that is
the problem. If anyone has any ideas.... they are greatly