Freeze Frame & Other Questions

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I'm making my first MM2 production and have several questions:

- Is there a way to run a video clip and then freeze it?

- Is there a way to increase the duration of fades?

- Is the audio track stereo (if the original music is stereo)?

- In between sequences I'd like there to be a little dead space (as
opposed to immediately fading in to the next segment). How can I do

I've been working on my timeline with the clips and photos I've saved
and when I view the timeline on "full screen" the quality is somewhat
fuzzy. I intend to show my "movie" at a large anniversary/birthday
event with about 75 people. I'll save the movie back to my mini DV
digital camera and connect that to a projector and project it into a
large screen. (I'll also have an amplifier and large speakers to
project the sound)

- Will the resolution of the final "saved" movie be better than what
it shows me when I play it during this editing phase?

Overall, I find it pretty easy to edit with this software yet I'm
afraid of when I have to finally save the move.

- Is it advisable/possible to save it in segments?

Thanks in advance for any responses.


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alert said:
I'm making my first MM2 production and have several questions:

- Is there a way to run a video clip and then freeze it?

While the file in collections I double click on it and play it through the
player in MM (not from the timeline). Find the frame I want to freeze at
and click on the camera symbol. This saves as a 640 x 480 jpg file of that
frame. If you do it from the timeline you will get a jpg file of less
resolution (320 x 240). I then import that jpg file into collections and
then add it at the same point in the timeline. I hope that's not too
confusing. I wouldn't want to do hundreds that way, but it worked well for
the few times I've used it. I don't know if I read that somewhere or was
struck with temporary brilliance one day....

- Is there a way to increase the duration of fades?

Grab the little handle at the side of the fade in the timeline and pull.
You can set the duration in Tools > Options > Advance > Transition Duration
for future transitions, I think the default is 1.25 seconds.
- In between sequences I'd like there to be a little dead space (as
opposed to immediately fading in to the next segment). How can I do

I import a black 720 x 480 jpg file created for that and adjust the duration
in the timeline
I've been working on my timeline with the clips and photos I've saved
and when I view the timeline on "full screen" the quality is somewhat

The preview mode is reduced resolution. If you save AVI you will have 720 x
480 resolution.

- Will the resolution of the final "saved" movie be better than what
it shows me when I play it during this editing phase?

Overall, I find it pretty easy to edit with this software yet I'm
afraid of when I have to finally save the move.

Do a complete simple test to see the results.

- Is it advisable/possible to save it in segments?

Guess it depends on a lot. I did a 45 minute video in segments and then
went through a lot until I learned of VirtualDub and how to use it to join

Hello there,

- Is there a way to run a video clip and then freeze it?

Yes, take a still clip of the last frame, reimport it and insert it at the
same time specifying how long it should be.
- Is there a way to increase the duration of fades?

Yes, Increase the amount of overlap, that will increase the duration. The
help file has info on this
- Is the audio track stereo (if the original music is stereo)?

- In between sequences I'd like there to be a little dead space (as
opposed to immediately fading in to the next segment). How can I do

Yes, insert a still image consisting of one perhaps...stretch
it sideways to regulate the duration in time.

I've been working on my timeline with the clips and photos I've saved
and when I view the timeline on "full screen" the quality is somewhat
fuzzy. I intend to show my "movie" at a large anniversary/birthday
event with about 75 people. I'll save the movie back to my mini DV
digital camera and connect that to a projector and project it into a
large screen. (I'll also have an amplifier and large speakers to
project the sound)

Cant help with the speakers etc....The quality of the viewed video depends
on whether you are viewing the time line itself or one of the clips in the
collection...See the help file
- Will the resolution of the final "saved" movie be better than what
it shows me when I play it during this editing phase?

Yes, try it and see for yourself
- Is it advisable/possible to save it in segments?

Yes, simply drag just the segment you want saved to the timeline and save
it. Itsonly advisable if there is some good reason for doing it
Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work