Sleepyy3435 said:
John said:One more suggestion: you should run a spell checker on your webpage,
and learn proper grammar and capitalization. When people see such poor
grammar and spelling, it can tend to put them off from wanting to try
your programs.
John said:One more suggestion: you should run a spell checker on your webpage,
and learn proper grammar and capitalization. When people see such
poor grammar and spelling, it can tend to put them off from wanting
to try your programs.
jo said:Seconded.
And. I'm not going to give a mail address to anyone to get a list of
freeware when I have no clue as to what the list might consist of.
"tend"?? Hehehe
I figure that anyone that imprecise with text is at *least*
as imprecise with code. I wouldn't touch them with a ten
foot pole.
"don't forget to check our newsboard for some of my programs i have moved of the
front page to the newsboard there are more downlaodable programs there plus i
post update to programs there also "
I assume your first language is not English?
omega said:I wager that it is English which is their first, and only, language.
From what I've observed, the weakest renditions of English come from
native speakers.
jo said:nativ speekers no wot they speek or rite is the muvver tung, forenners
hav 2 speek or rite how theyve bean tort
omega said:yah thats what im talkeen bout. natifs know they grammer cuz its theres
and its them foreenners to dum to lern
jo said:teh reel problim cums wiv teh amerikins
omega said:ef u ! dumped all ur dam teas into the sea. so ther.
jo said:hav u just prooved mi point¿
OT: BTW, dadiOH, could you fix your sig?
omega said:ur king cant tax us no mo
jo said:we havent got a king so ner ner
Maybe, what do you want me to do with it?
Adding a single space after the two dashes would help a lot.
That way many (most?) newsreaders can auto-delete the sigs from
There already is one.
-- dadiOH _____________________________
dadiOH's dandies v3.0... ....a help file of info about MP3s,
recording from LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that. Get it
at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico ____________________________