Vegard Krog Petersen
My cousin has managed to format two partitions which contained all her
pictures from the last year...
Windows XP, but used a bootable dos diskette and formatted from there.
Any freeware unformat utility you could recommend?
If not freeware available, what shareware programs have you used and can
verify that they work?
Thanks in advance.
regards from
Vegard Krog Petersen - Norway
My sites:
Solitaire MahJongg: http://home.halden.net/vkp/vkp/
Sarah Michelle Gellar Solitaire: http://home.halden.net/vkp/
Freeware Logo & symbol: http://home.no/buffy2/
Chinese Checkers: http://home.no.net/vkp/
Pachisi & Ludo: http://home.no.net/vkp3/
My fishy site (fishing games): http://home.no/vkp32/
a.c.f.g information: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acfg/acfg.php
18+ - Adult Solitaire: http://home.no.net/rachel12/
18+ - Fishy Pictures: http://home.no.net/rachel12/fishy/
Fredrikshald Havfiskeklubb: http://www.fredrikshald-havfiske.no
pictures from the last year...
Windows XP, but used a bootable dos diskette and formatted from there.
Any freeware unformat utility you could recommend?
If not freeware available, what shareware programs have you used and can
verify that they work?
Thanks in advance.
regards from
Vegard Krog Petersen - Norway
My sites:
Solitaire MahJongg: http://home.halden.net/vkp/vkp/
Sarah Michelle Gellar Solitaire: http://home.halden.net/vkp/
Freeware Logo & symbol: http://home.no/buffy2/
Chinese Checkers: http://home.no.net/vkp/
Pachisi & Ludo: http://home.no.net/vkp3/
My fishy site (fishing games): http://home.no/vkp32/
a.c.f.g information: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/acfg/acfg.php
18+ - Adult Solitaire: http://home.no.net/rachel12/
18+ - Fishy Pictures: http://home.no.net/rachel12/fishy/
Fredrikshald Havfiskeklubb: http://www.fredrikshald-havfiske.no