Dr. Klaus Eimert said:
I am looking for a freeware program able to search for duplicate
pictures (jpg, tif, gif) among several thousend of pictures. Is there
such a thing? I only found the free ODIN version which is restricted
in the number of directories and files.
Thanx in advance,
Dup Detector works well-
"Dup Detector finds duplicate and near duplicate images by opening and
reading image pixel data. Large collections and large image file sizes can
slow Dup Detector but it works well running in the background. Large image
collections often are filled with duplicate images under different names.
Use Dup Detector to clean them.
DupDetector reads 9 image file types from a folder or its subfolders or from
an image list.
Version 3.0 has many improvements including automatic and semi-auto delete
modes, shortcut keys for scrolling through matching image pairs, and more
precision in the matching algorithm. Version 2.0 datafiles are not
compatible with this version, just rebuild them.
Dup Detector version 3.03 5/06/03
Win 95-98 Me XP 2K or NT4 550kb with install/uninstall. Requires mfc42.dll
version 6.008267 or later (april 99) to be on your system (is not
To download: Download SetupDD3.zip (lightweight installer, 550kb)
Alternate offsite download of same version wrapped with a better but bulkier
installer (InstallShield) Download SetupDDL.zip (1200kb)"