Freeware program for graphing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chaos Master
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Chaos Master


I have a few files with data points in the (x,y) notation, like:


It's from a program that I once made, using BASIC under MS-DOS, to make
a "table of values" of mathematical functions.

Something on the lines of:

FOR X = -10 to 10 STEP 0.1
Y = COS(X)
PRINT "("; X; ","; Y; ")"

I now wish something to graph the function, as I don't like to work with
graphics in BASIC.

Q: Is there any simple program that can plot points in a X/Y scale?
I think that Gnuplot and mathematics tools like Scilab could do this
probably, but this would be overkill.

I don't want a spreadsheet program that can do graphing (for this, I
already have [OT] MS Excel and the StarOffice spreadsheet)

Chaos Master®, posting from Canoas, Brazil - 29.55° S / 51.11° W / GMT-
2h / 15m

"Now: the 3-bit processor, with instructions:
1. NOP - does nothing, increase PC. / 2. HLT - does nothing, doesn't
increase PC
3. MMX - enter Pentium(r) emulation mode; increase PC / 4. LCK - before
MMX: NOP ; after MMX: executes F0 0F C7 C8
5. HCF - Halt and Catch Fire / 6. EPI - Execute Programmer
7. DPC - Decrease PC"
Chaos said:

I have a few files with data points in the (x,y) notation, like:


It's from a program that I once made, using BASIC under MS-DOS, to
make a "table of values" of mathematical functions.

Something on the lines of:

FOR X = -10 to 10 STEP 0.1
Y = COS(X)
PRINT "("; X; ","; Y; ")"

I now wish something to graph the function, as I don't like to work
with graphics in BASIC.

Q: Is there any simple program that can plot points in a X/Y scale?
I think that Gnuplot and mathematics tools like Scilab could do this
probably, but this would be overkill.

TeeChart Office


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
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Henry said:
Hello, dadiOH!
You wrote on Sun, 2 Jan 2005 17:40:09 -0500:

Great software I've never tried before!
Thanks a lot!

My pleasure, got it via a post here a couple of years ago.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at