Chaos Master
Hello people.
I am looking for freeware programs that can be used to do symbolic
mathematics (like integration, derivative, solving equations).
The same features are available in high-end ($$$) programs. One feature I
would like is a equation solver that allows for solving 'literal'
equations (like 'a*x+b' in variable 'b') - the feature is available in
Mathematica and Maple (the two tools I had access to).
I have tried SCILAB but it's more for numerical mathematics (i.e. more
like Matlab)
Chaos Master®, posting from Canoas, Brazil - 29.55° S / 51.11° W
"Dead, silent, constant, yet always changing -- my favorite view of this
To reply remove "DEADTOTHESPAMMERS" from address --->
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NP in foobar2000: 16. Iron Maiden - [Brave New World #10] The Thin Line
Between Love & Hate [8:27]
I am looking for freeware programs that can be used to do symbolic
mathematics (like integration, derivative, solving equations).
The same features are available in high-end ($$$) programs. One feature I
would like is a equation solver that allows for solving 'literal'
equations (like 'a*x+b' in variable 'b') - the feature is available in
Mathematica and Maple (the two tools I had access to).
I have tried SCILAB but it's more for numerical mathematics (i.e. more
like Matlab)
Chaos Master®, posting from Canoas, Brazil - 29.55° S / 51.11° W
"Dead, silent, constant, yet always changing -- my favorite view of this
To reply remove "DEADTOTHESPAMMERS" from address --->
(e-mail address removed)
NP in foobar2000: 16. Iron Maiden - [Brave New World #10] The Thin Line
Between Love & Hate [8:27]