Zebbidiah Jewtard
Happy Hanukkah
Looking for the *best* freeware "Passion of the Christ" game. NOT the
crakked or pirotted version - the free ISO one.
It's like the movie, only you gets to stick the guy on the cross with
spears and beat him with whips and stuff.
The first one to make him die WINS.
But whoever brings him up from the dead gets the BONUS points.
Looking for the *best* freeware "Passion of the Christ" game. NOT the
crakked or pirotted version - the free ISO one.
It's like the movie, only you gets to stick the guy on the cross with
spears and beat him with whips and stuff.
The first one to make him die WINS.
But whoever brings him up from the dead gets the BONUS points.