Hey, dark grey! That's an improvement.
If you're new to filters, may I make a few recommendations.
The Unplugged series tops my list, 100+ filters in four categories.
These install into IrfanView under the FilterFactory option, and greatly
enhance IrfanView's capabilities.
The Cybia Works series is a close second, 140+ filters in eight
These used to be available in a simple 56k 8bf FilterFactory format, but
they've now been upgraded to "deluxe" Adobe status, and will install into
IrfanView under the Adobe option.
(available from the "Freeware" drop-down menu, under Works Plugins)
IrfanView, which is one of the most frequently recommended programs in
ACF, is extraordinary in its ability to work with plugin filters, but I
warn you that it becomes confused if you try to install more than 3,000
of them. So tread cautiously.