Brian Pipa
MP3 Automagic CD Cover Creator (MACCC) creates printable CD covers
(front and back for full-size cases, front only for slimline) for MP3
CDs. These covers are great for use with in-dash car MP3 CD players. The
covers it outputs are in CDInsert format, CDRLabel format, HTML, and in
plain .txt format.
# FREE for home use
# Reads ID3 tags for display of tracks (can also use filenames if
# Numbers tracks by disc or by folder - *GREAT* for MP3 CD players
# Allows editing of individual song names for cover if needed
# LOTS more options
I'm actively developing it right now and I'm adding new features and
bugfixes all the time. Questions, comments, and feature requests are
welcome! More details and download are here:
(front and back for full-size cases, front only for slimline) for MP3
CDs. These covers are great for use with in-dash car MP3 CD players. The
covers it outputs are in CDInsert format, CDRLabel format, HTML, and in
plain .txt format.
# FREE for home use
# Reads ID3 tags for display of tracks (can also use filenames if
# Numbers tracks by disc or by folder - *GREAT* for MP3 CD players
# Allows editing of individual song names for cover if needed
# LOTS more options
I'm actively developing it right now and I'm adding new features and
bugfixes all the time. Questions, comments, and feature requests are
welcome! More details and download are here: