i'm looking for a freeware software like erwin
can u help me?
i'm looking for a freeware software like erwin
can u help me?
i'm looking for a freeware software like erwin
can u help me?
Tirzan wrote in said:hi
i'm looking for a freeware software like erwin
can u help me?
DC said:You mean "Irwin"? That's a game, right? Let me see...
<rummaging sounds>
Ah! Here it is:
Tirzan wrote on 29-1-2004 :
Maybe a little stupid of me, but ehh...., what is erwin?
Oh no!!!! Not about that Australian moron. I just wait until he gets
bitten by a croc or a snake. I hope that he'll understand after that,
that he has to leave those animals alone....
i'm looking for a freeware software like erwin
can u help me?
I believe there is a free version of "Relationship Diagrammer" available
somewhere, but the free version is to my knowledge *crippleware* (limited
number of entities).
I was just browsing <http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/apps/en/bestlist.html>
and noticed <http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/apps/DDT/en/index.html>.
Sometimes, I think that wanting to see him lose some bits is the only
reason people tune him in.
I was just browsing <http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/apps/en/bestlist.html>
and noticed <http://gnuwin.epfl.ch/apps/DDT/en/index.html>.
Something like this you have been looking for? Authors home page:
<http://www.visi.com/~jjanssens> (no info there except download links.
To get more info without installing it first; one has to either
download the source, extract and look in help directory, or get the
binary - unzip the exe and extract help from cab files)