Freeware kav ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bassbag
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bassbag said:
Havent downloaded this ,but AOL seems to be offering a limited version of
kav (rebranded) for free (no proactive defense or http scanner)However it
does have the resident shield and email scanner
That is all aand good but I purchased the Windows Live One Care.
Personally, I would not trust anything AOL offers.


Tue, 8(VIII)/1(I)/06(MMVI)

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! Useless Invention: Reduced calorie !
! water. !
That is all aand good but I purchased the Windows Live One Care.
Personally, I would not trust anything AOL offers.
Ive heard good reviews of WLOC ,though it is a suite and not just an
av.To update though, the stripped down kav offered has a 1 year licence
,and needs an activation code to activate (sent by email).I dont know if
this will continue year in year out like avast does for instance.It does
however use kav engine and kav defentions ,so i guess would be pretty
good at detection.I dont like AOL either but there doesnt seem to be any
strings attached ,as you dont have to run AOL or even have AOL membership
to use it.