Freeware Hex editor?

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Does anyone know of a good freeware Hex editor?

Sorry for the 4's.....

XVI32 is a free hex-editor with the following main features:

4 Data Inspector to show permanently decoding of numbers
4 Built-in XVI32script interpreter allows to automate editing or share
patches. More...
4 Computing of CRC16 (standard) and CRC32 (PKZIP compatible) checksums for
complete file and selected block (only if block is currently selected)
4 Easily works with huge files. Try to open a 60 MB sized text file with
some other hex editors (not to speak about Wordpad), then use XVI32...

4 XVI32 allows to edit files up to 2 GB (enough virtual memory provided, of
4 For your convenience, XVI32 stores settings and last used search strings
etc. in XVI32.INI file
4 Progress indication in percent for most operations
4 You can abort nearly all operations (reading/writing files, search,
replace, print...)
4 Display of both text (ASCII/ANSI) and hexadecimal representation
4 Two synchronous cursors in text and hex area

4 Wheel mouse support
4 Fully resizeable window (change number of rows and columns)
4 Font and font size adjustable
4 Overwrite or insert characters
4 Insert text or hex string n times
4 Switch byte offset (address) of first byte between 0 or 1 to examine also
record structure of plain text files
4 Search text or hex string, e.g. find "this text" or find "0D 0A"
4 Search optionally with joker (wildcard) char that will match any
character, e.g. find "A.C" or "00 2E 2E 00" where "." = "2E" (user-defined)
stands for any character

4 Fast searching algorithm (Quicksearch) for both search directions
4 Count occurences of text or hex string
4 Replace text or hex string, e.g. replace "0D 0A" by "0A" or replace "0D
0A" by text "EOL"

4 Simplified search for Unicode Latin (UTF-16) strings

4 Extremely fast "replace all" mode (if needed, additional memory is
allocated beforehead, not at every single replacing operation)
4 Auto-fill feature to copy bytes from current address into input field for
hex string using right arrow key
4 Character conversion using self-defined character table
4 Easy converting of text to hex string in dialogs (e.g. "abc" -> "61 62
4 Decoding and encoding of 1, 2, 4, and 8 byte integers and floats in 2
possible byte orders (optionally shown permanently by Data Inspector)

4 Bit manipulation (view or set bits)
4 Open file in Read Only mode (e.g. if opened by another application or to
avoid unintentional modifications)
4 Insert file contents into file
4 Write block to file
4 Copy, move or delete block
4 Clipboard support
4 Goto address (absolute or relative up/down)
4 Enter jump width and jump up/down (useful for files with fixed record

4 Patch BORLAND PASCAL 7.0 EXE files for execution on processors > 200 MHz
4 Printing with preview or print to file
4 Easily access most recently used files
4 No setup programm needed, doesn't write any data to registry
4 And last, but not least: XVI32 is free!

© 2002 by Christian Maas - All Rights Reserved

(e-mail address removed)

(c) 2003 Christian Maas
Does anyone know of a good freeware Hex editor?

D-BROWSE version 0.6 now up at my web site offers a very versatile hex
editor, along with many, many other capabilities. It's a LFN-aware DOS
program designed to handle FAT16/32 drives. You have to use a Win
9x/ME PC to create the special boot disk which in turn creates the
proper plain DOS environment. However, the program runs fine in a DOS
window of Win 9X/ME.
