Freeware for webmasters

  • Thread starter Thread starter JSP
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*ProteanThread* said:
anyone know of anymore sites like this ?

I don't know if this is what you are looking for. The link below
has tons of free java scripts for you to use.

Read the description(s). If it sound interesting, click on the link.
A demo page will open to let you see what the script will do. If you
like it, simply copy the code. I found some nice stuff for pull
down menus, fill in forms, web page marquee's.
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 07:50:19 -0400, ""

NavStudio Menu by Opencube (free version) from this list is great,
much better than eMenu Tree freeware.
I'm testing its functionality with a replacement menu, see my test at .

"Usage The unregistered version of our products contains a link to our
website and may be used freely for non-commercial purposes. However
you are strictly not allowed (unless specifically authorized by to:

Remove the link to our site."

Some would call that adware.

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ)
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.