Lord Whiz
I am so pleased. I learned of this in another usegroup and
went to download it immediately. It does indeed run rings
around several other commercial products that I have tried ...
and ... in HALF the time or better!!! And, it worked the
very first time. Download the 3rd Party information html to
gain some hints. You don't actually need it. Further, you are
presented with the option of doing the entire original DVD,
or to capture only the main movie itself (which saves a lot
of space). And, further MORE, it does not place any
&%#*@ FBI or DVD Copy warnings on the new burned
result. Inserted into your DVD player, it jumps immediately
into the movie itself. To capture ONLY the movie, click the
option to 'Re-Author' first, then go to Backup. You can
choose to save to an ISO file, or burn directly to your
DVD burner.
The following is a quote from the usegroup posting where I
found this jewel:
Boy! That's the truth!
went to download it immediately. It does indeed run rings
around several other commercial products that I have tried ...
and ... in HALF the time or better!!! And, it worked the
very first time. Download the 3rd Party information html to
gain some hints. You don't actually need it. Further, you are
presented with the option of doing the entire original DVD,
or to capture only the main movie itself (which saves a lot
of space). And, further MORE, it does not place any
&%#*@ FBI or DVD Copy warnings on the new burned
result. Inserted into your DVD player, it jumps immediately
into the movie itself. To capture ONLY the movie, click the
option to 'Re-Author' first, then go to Backup. You can
choose to save to an ISO file, or burn directly to your
DVD burner.
The following is a quote from the usegroup posting where I
found this jewel:
Go to http://www.dvdshrink.org and download DVDshrink.
The program is completely free, no cracks, trials or missing features.
Built-in decryption. It's easy to use and creates error free disc's that
play in all stand-alone players. Latest version is 3.1.7 and has better
recording features than DVD XCopy. (which still has bugs).
Boy! That's the truth!