Freeware Batch Image compressor


Wannabe Webmaster
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all,
I have about 150 images from my camera that i want to compress, so that i can then upload them to a photo gallery.
Now I would normally use CS2 to compress images, but as far as i am aware it will only do individual and not batch images.

So, does anyone know of any freee programs that will compress all my pics, or is there a way to get CS2 to batch compress???

Thanks in advance!
Hey Cache-Man :)

As far as I know, Paint Shop Pro can batch resize/compress images. I've got an older version that can perform batch operations on a set of files. You can get a 30 (maybe 60!) day trial of it, so you could just give it a go to compress your images then uninstall it.
I would have thought cs2 has batch,. also a lot of online galleries will resize / compress images after you upload them (ok would take longer!)

for free - check out google's picasa - it will do batch of a whole folder - you select the size and it'll dump them out (the way to do it is use the gallery generator - then just upload the jpegs)

in any case picasa is good and worth a look even for general photo fiddling :)

One of the great things about running linux, is that you can write cool apps that will do just what your talking about. If you run linux, I wrote just such an animal, and it's located here :
Bash Batch Image Processing Script
A menu driven bash script that uses Imagemagick to "batch" process entire directories of images all at once. For use with Linux and Unix systems to batch process jpg image files from the bash shell.

If you don't run Linux normally, you could actually run a live linux like knoppix, mepis, slax, or dsl and download the bbips script, run it on your directory of images, and reboot back to windows.....
I have used it on a directory containing 1600 images, and it worked flawlessly.