Probably not of the kind you have in mind. There are free general
purpose utilities which assist skilled users in finding Trojans
installed on their PCs. My web site has links to a couple of them.
I don't use realtime av or a firewall. So you see there are all kinds
of approaches to prevention
As Art said, "all kinds of approaches".
You didn't say if you had an immediate problem (likely or known
infection) or were looking for a prophylactic.
Google acf ng using the following query (one long line) and look at
the first 7-8 responses for ideas and links.
"Need Spyware remover" OR "Any good trojan scanners" OR "freeware anti
trojan" group:alt.comp.freeware.*
Some of the information in these threads is repetitive, but perhaps
that will save this thread from the same fate. You will see the
diversity of opinion and a number of recommendations for tools and
My summary for the advanced beginner to moderate user - add a registry
and startup monitor like WinPatrol, WinSonar, etc.; try some of the
listed programs like PestScan, TrojanScan, Spybot, Ad-aware,
SpyHunter, and SwatIt (all linked in several of the threads you will
find). Some of these are only scanners, but if you know the
infection, finding a specific removal tool is often easy. Repairing
any damage or potential damage may be much harder, of course.