I use Ksnapshot for screen capture ....
Cousin Gordon ....
Yesterday I tried using KSnapshot to get some ScreenShots
of menus opened from the KDE panel ....
{ Using : Linux/Debian/Knoppix_3.2/HDD_Install }
However, moving the mouse-pointer out of the KDE menu
and over to the KSnapshot dialog to start the SS
loses focus on the KDE menu and it closes ....
Can the KDE menus be pinned open somehow
and/or the KSnapshot started with a Key-Stroke ????
The KSnapshot checkbox regarding cursor position
didn't help ....
It seems I can get ScreenShots of everything
except the open KDE menus ....
You might be interested in the following bash script
provided by Cousin Blinky the Shark over on the NewsGroup
alt.os.linux.mandrake back on 2004-05-22 ....
"Here's a bash script { tweak as required }
that timestamp autonames a cap and saves it,
and opens it in The Gimp for whatever manipulation
is needed.
I run it from a taskbar shortcut.
One click and I'm looking at the screendump
in my image editor."
name='date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'
import -window root -quality 100 $folder/$name.jpg
gimp $folder/$name.jpg
This also works well under my Debian/Knoppix installation
and pops the screenie into GIMP for editing ....
However, I didn't manage to get the KDE menu screenies
using this method either ....