Mr Postill, you really are too sensible by far.
Dig out DVD's or VCR tapes of early 80's sitcom 'The Young Ones'
Take notes regarding student life and 'Scumbag University'
Adhere to notes.
Get wasted.
Enjoy like there's no tomorrow
And on a serious note, and even a political note, just after WW2 the labour Goverment done some stuff that allowed the kid from the Council Estate to go to University and gain a degree if he was bright enough. Prior to that, University degrees were the exclusive property of upper class twats.
Fast forward 40-odd years and Tony Blair, a supposedly 'Labour' Prime Minister, has turned back the clock and made everybody pay for further education.
Tony Blair makes Ted Heath look like a communist (there's one for all our older members
Anyway, makes me blood boil, you shouldn't have to pay for an education over here, too many battles have been fought to guarantee that. And now a supposed socialist goverment has turned that on it's head.
Oops, sorry, I'm ranting, aren't I?
Kids, teenagers, students, are the future of this nation, makes me sick to see them penalised.
Ok, I'll shut up now
Anyway, Chris, if you can get by without using the loan, by all means invest it in an ISA account. Higher rates if you leave it alone for a year, lower rates if you want instant access. I'd go for instant access meself, just to provide an emergency backup, as it were.
And you'll love Cambridge, it really is a nice place, right up there with Bath, Oxford and York.