The little yellow bus from Stoopidtown stopped and so
Gabriele Neukam said:
Free Ram is unused ram, is useless ram. You should use it in total, not
as if someone had snipped off portions. You don't drive on only three
wheels of your car, do you?
Ddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh! You don't put Christmas tree lights on
the Thanksgiving turkey dressing either, do you?
It's a false analogy. (If you're not severly retarded.)
You DO drive on 3 wheels on a tricycle! And it works well. (Except when
you're making sharp turns - then it's only 2 wheels and a knee.)
Free RAM is *AVAILABLE* RAM. The problem historically occurs because
there are slight conflicts amongst 3rd party applications RAM
requirements and Windows' OS's very generalized RAM usage and RAM
recovery default settings.
Every bit of RAM that isn't being used for a specific purpose
appropriately is of most value when it's free to be used as needed, then
quickly returned to availabilty when no longer in use.
For a real analogy, it's more like "Free Willy":
Like, the little whale was always cryin' and stuff because he only had a
little pool to play in and he wasn't gettin' any whale-strange and then
the human kids came around and then there was this special human kid who
could talk whale-speak and so since he wasn't gay or anything and didn't
want to marry Willy-the-whale or nothing like that he decided to get
everyone who would and didn't particularly like to eat whale-steaks to go
and let Willy out of his pond into the ocean where he now had more room
to play, and then find some nice girl-whales to have sex with and make
babies so now there's lots of whales to be caught to make whale-steaks
out of, and everybody lives happily ever after because Willy is free and
there's lot's of Willy's kids and grandkids and cousins to catch and eat.
And that's the way RAM works.