FreeRam XP

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Morgan Ohlson

Free Ram XP FreeRam XP Memory management

The program works well.

But I must ask those of you who know...

1. Often the free ram gets very low. Does the OS handle it that way too, if
not FreeRamXP is used?

2. Is there any free program, as the FreeRamXP that have a "one klick
operation"? I would like One button to push to free, lets say 100Mb.

Morgan O.
Free Ram XP FreeRam XP Memory management

The program works well.

But I must ask those of you who know...

1. Often the free ram gets very low. Does the OS handle it that way too, if
not FreeRamXP is used?

2. Is there any free program, as the FreeRamXP that have a "one klick
operation"? I would like One button to push to free, lets say 100M

Another one that works quite well is Cacheman XP. You can find it
Simple with FreeRam XP, let the systray have the icon by settings :
Tab Program : Program option : Always use System Tray
Tab Other : Tray Settings : Left_double clicking : Automatically free Ram
Simple with FreeRam XP, let the systray have the icon by settings :
Tab Program : Program option : Always use System Tray
Tab Other : Tray Settings : Left_double clicking : Automatically free Ram

Perhaps I shall try it harder before wheening.

Morgan O.
Free Ram XP FreeRam XP Memory management

The program works well.

But I must ask those of you who know...

1. Often the free ram gets very low. Does the OS handle it that way too, if
not FreeRamXP is used?

I don't really trust any third party RAM management software, I let
Win XP to manage the system memory.

How much memory are you having?
If your memory run low, you should check whether you are running too
many programs at the same time OR you need to upgrade your RAM by
buying additional RAM stick (which dirt cheap nowadays).
On that special day, Morgan Ohlson, ([email protected]) said...
2. Is there any free program, as the FreeRamXP that have a "one klick
operation"? I would like One button to push to free, lets say 100Mb.

Free Ram is unused ram, is useless ram. You should use it in total, not
as if someone had snipped off portions. You don't drive on only three
wheels of your car, do you?

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)
These programs only work by pushing things to the paging file.

Problems occur when the things need to reloaded from the page file.
derek / nul said:
These programs only work by pushing things to the paging file.
Problems occur when the things need to reloaded from the page file.

As a supplement to your comment. Below is excerpted from a post in ACF,
which rounded up a good and succinct list of cites concerning that kind
of program. Particularly, I think of Russinovich as the greatest known
authority on the subject of memory architecture, and related internals,
in the Windows OS.

: From: rir3760 <[email protected]>
: Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
: Subject: Re: RamBooster opinions?
: Date: 8 Aug 2004 16:48:45 GMT
: Message-ID: <[email protected]>
: .................................................
: Of course the key issue about memory managers is what proficient and
: respected programmers/jornalists say about this kind of applications:
: Fred Langa has a negative opinion about them:
: <>
: Mark Russinovich (SysInternals) said they are a hoax:
: <>
: Radsoft is even more extreme and call them 'rainmakers':
: <>
: On the other side of the fence I have not found (yet) a 3rd party
: article from someone of the level of Steve Gibson/Robin
: Keir/SysInternals/Radsoft/Fred Langa saying good things about memory
: managers.
I don't really trust any third party RAM management software, I let
Win XP to manage the system memory.

How much memory are you having?

If your memory run low, you should check whether you are running too
many programs at the same

Naturally I am... :o) ...But what is really annoying is that starting a
program occupies ram, but closing it tha same amount IS NOT made free.

....I think both OS and ram managers handle that badly.

I use win98se

...time OR you need to upgrade your RAM by
buying additional RAM stick (which dirt cheap nowadays).

As I have heard win98 se doesn't handle ram >~300 very well.

Morgan O.
On that special day, Morgan Ohlson, ([email protected]) said...

Free Ram is unused ram, is useless ram. You should use it in total, not
as if someone had snipped off portions. You don't drive on only three
wheels of your car, do you?

Let me explain.

In ordinary use I try to taka advantage of my ram. But, the problem is when
launching new app's lockups occure often.

Because of that it's better to free ram manually just before starting
another program.

Perhaps you understand the problem now?

Morgan O.
On that special day, Morgan Ohlson, ([email protected]) said...
In ordinary use I try to taka advantage of my ram. But, the problem is when
launching new app's lockups occure often.

If that is the problem, then you are running that won't release
resources when being terminated. A "ramfreer" can't free resources,
though. It can only moved the information or contents about used memory
from to ram to harddisk (the win386.swp file), where they still remain.

Resources and memory are two *different* things in Windows (from the
very beginning), and while memory can be large, resources are *always*
of the same size, because they are allocated by the Windows system
itself, and that is hardcoded.

You won't believe how "big" the resources are, which are reserved for
GUI and system informations, especially those still designed like 16bit
applications. They are both 64 kb (Kilobyte!) each. And if a lazy
programmer doesn't have his program do the clean up after it is
terminated, the informations stay in there and occupy much needed space,
which isn't available for the next program, to write its own information
into. Soon the resources are gone, and you can't open programs any more,
although there are still megabytes of normal memory available.

Try to find the resource hogger with Process Viewer from; this will help to clear up the mess. If you have
found the culprit, replace it with something better.

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)
The little yellow bus from Stoopidtown stopped and so
Gabriele Neukam said:
Free Ram is unused ram, is useless ram. You should use it in total, not
as if someone had snipped off portions. You don't drive on only three
wheels of your car, do you?

Ddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh! You don't put Christmas tree lights on
the Thanksgiving turkey dressing either, do you?

It's a false analogy. (If you're not severly retarded.)

You DO drive on 3 wheels on a tricycle! And it works well. (Except when
you're making sharp turns - then it's only 2 wheels and a knee.)

Free RAM is *AVAILABLE* RAM. The problem historically occurs because
there are slight conflicts amongst 3rd party applications RAM
requirements and Windows' OS's very generalized RAM usage and RAM
recovery default settings.

Every bit of RAM that isn't being used for a specific purpose
appropriately is of most value when it's free to be used as needed, then
quickly returned to availabilty when no longer in use.

For a real analogy, it's more like "Free Willy":

Like, the little whale was always cryin' and stuff because he only had a
little pool to play in and he wasn't gettin' any whale-strange and then
the human kids came around and then there was this special human kid who
could talk whale-speak and so since he wasn't gay or anything and didn't
want to marry Willy-the-whale or nothing like that he decided to get
everyone who would and didn't particularly like to eat whale-steaks to go
and let Willy out of his pond into the ocean where he now had more room
to play, and then find some nice girl-whales to have sex with and make
babies so now there's lots of whales to be caught to make whale-steaks
out of, and everybody lives happily ever after because Willy is free and
there's lot's of Willy's kids and grandkids and cousins to catch and eat.

And that's the way RAM works.

In ordinary use I try to taka advantage of my ram. But, the problem is when
launching new app's lockups occure often.

Because of that it's better to free ram manually just before starting
another program.

Perhaps you understand the problem now?

You need to fix the real problem, freeing ram is covering up the problem.