Bargain Freecom 34946 Data Recovery Service - 3 Years Cover for all your Digital Content

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Member Extraordinaire
Dec 31, 2004
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Freecom Data Recovery Service - 3 Years Cover for all your Digital Content

Worth it for all you people out there who don't own a second HDD for back-up! peace of mind for under a tenner for the next 3 years

Linky £9.92 with free delivery
Freecom Data Recovery is carried out by a company in Spain called LAZARUS - it should read LAZY R US, I have never encountered such bad service. The likelihood of them recovering anything from your drive, if you do manage to make it through the registration and get them to actually pick it up, is nil. if you want your drive returned after they inventively fail to recover anything from your drive you will have to have it collected from Spain at your own expense.

ceyc may have a point, read the customer reviews on the link page - ouch :(
In all honesty this was posted over 3 years ago and at that time was a good product..
I bought it for my sister who didn't have any sort of recovery for her files, and I used it a few times to retrieve family snap albums and other files to her machine after reinstalls of windows, it worked well at the time and I hadn't encountered any problems using it, which is why I posted it here..
I think the product has actually changed since then as they used to keep some of your files remotely on there servers, now it seems its just a backup recovery service for a HDD
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I was never one t do back ups as I always had the opinion it would never happen to me. Then a PC died and I lost a lot of valuable photo's that I will never get back. Now everything is backed up every week without fail.
After having to re-build my pc after a nasty virus got through the AV & Firewall i back up most things to an external HDD and also to DVD_R discs as it's a cheap option.
In all honesty this was posted over 3 years ago and at that time was a good product..

Oops :o I didn't notice the date. Bit naughty of me.

I expect this ceyc character is trolling forums high and low looking to put the boot in, and maybe justifiably so, but I doubt we will hear from them again.

Anyhow, as this thread is now history I think it prudent to lock it.

If anybody would like to discuss their backup arrangements, perhaps an individual could start a thread titled 'Wot's yer backup?' or similar :)
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