Bargain Freebie

Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Haven't posted a freebie in's a dvd maker if anyone needs one. Made by wondershare and i have tried their stuff before and i lived lol.
Thanks Capt. Zed! I'm supposed to be burning a DVD of wedding photos for Becky's grandparents, so this looks like it will to the job :D.
Not so great if your not on facebook!:mad:
I'm not nor will i ever!:o
Thanks Capt. Zed! I'm supposed to be burning a DVD of wedding photos for Becky's grandparents, so this looks like it will to the job :D.

That's great Ian.....hope it goes well for ya !!
Not so great if your not on facebook!:mad:
I'm not nor will i ever!:o

I'm sorry Feckit.....i didn't realise you had to join facebook to access the freebie. I'm a facebooker and it just ran straight through for me.
I'm sorry Feckit.....i didn't realise you had to join facebook to access the freebie. I'm a facebooker and it just ran straight through for me.

Sorry, but I was a once FB person, but no more. I like my privacey :D