Ken Laninga
Hey, group....... I've been searching long and hard to replace FrontPage2K.
Tried "all" of them out there. THIS TIME I may have found a real winner:
Name: <blink>
(yes, that is what he calls it!)
From: http://www.wojanware.com
Author: Scott Wojan
Cost: FREE
access HTML? YES!
Toolbars? LOTS of them
Big Download? Yes.........10,453Kb ZIP file (expands to 10,623KB file
More comments? Yes, at alt.html.editors.webedit
Still under construction? Yes.
Ready for Prime Time: DEFINITELY.
HelpFile? Yes, but clicking "help" may not open it; need to browse for it;
it is there, in one of the folders. VERY extensive help. And the author is
MOST helpful too.
- save as HTML and not as HTM because it won't open an HTM file
- to insert an image, Go into the media library, (Insert | Picture | Media
Libary) and find an image.
You can double-click it to see a Preview of it.
RIGHT-click it and select "Insert Media Clips."
No, I'm not *in any way* connected with Scott; only downloaded his program
and am playing with it. But, it excites me.
Please quote me and tell "everyone."
Tried "all" of them out there. THIS TIME I may have found a real winner:
Name: <blink>
(yes, that is what he calls it!)
From: http://www.wojanware.com
Author: Scott Wojan
Cost: FREE
access HTML? YES!
Toolbars? LOTS of them
Big Download? Yes.........10,453Kb ZIP file (expands to 10,623KB file
More comments? Yes, at alt.html.editors.webedit
Still under construction? Yes.
Ready for Prime Time: DEFINITELY.
HelpFile? Yes, but clicking "help" may not open it; need to browse for it;
it is there, in one of the folders. VERY extensive help. And the author is
MOST helpful too.
- save as HTML and not as HTM because it won't open an HTM file
- to insert an image, Go into the media library, (Insert | Picture | Media
Libary) and find an image.
You can double-click it to see a Preview of it.
RIGHT-click it and select "Insert Media Clips."
No, I'm not *in any way* connected with Scott; only downloaded his program
and am playing with it. But, it excites me.
Please quote me and tell "everyone."