Free WiFi in Swindon


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Story HERE

Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get this sort of service? :thumb:

I suppose it will be the old,old story of urban areas getting it and the rural areas not. Sorry about that AB. :o
Beat me to it Nivrip.

That is an excellent move on the part of Swindon Council. Shame our poxy MP's couldn't pull their heads out of their arses and organise the same for the whole country.

Swindon council should save a considerable amount of money by having the option for folk to interact with them on-line. This would enable them to spend that money on extra services without raising more taxes.

There was an interesting artical in the Mail the other day,about the Swindons free WiFi thing. While it said that it was a good thing it also warned of the danger of "electronic fog in the enviroment" It could effect people mainly young children who have softer sculls and can take in this "fog" more readily than adults.

It`s a thought. I`ve offten wondered about all these electrical things giving off electro magnetic emmisions,just what is it doing to all of us-----just a thought.
Can disagree with that as i have a banging headache and my internet connection is Sh1t ..:)
Madxgraphics said:
Headaches are generally caused by dehydration. When we dehydrate we also loose salt as well as fluid..

just gonna post ...

Salt sensitivity is now considered a risk factor for cardiovascular events, even in people with normal blood pressure. Testing for salt sensitivity isn’t easy so the National Institutes of Health recommends that all people watch their salt intake. The recommended daily allowance of sodium is 2,400 milligrams per day. Keep in mind that this amount may need to be increased in hot climates and in situations when a lot of salt from the body is lost through sweating.
Headache can be a symptom of too little salt in the body. Eating salty food in this situation could certainly help relieve the headache. As emergency responders at public events, paramedics are well aware of the symptoms of dehydration and salt loss.
historian said:
warned of the danger of "electronic fog in the enviroment" It could effect people mainly young children who have softer sculls and can take in this "fog" more readily than adults.

It`s a thought. I`ve offten wondered about all these electrical things giving off electro magnetic emmisions,just what is it doing to all of us-----just a thought.

Just remember that human generated electromagnetic waves have been all around us for over 100 years and even us oldies SEEM to be OK so far. If there had been a problem with EM waves then surely we would have noticed it by now because we have all lived through it.

And, of course, light itself is an EM wave and we've had to put up with that all our lives. It's the very very short wavelengths, such as Xrays and gamma rays, that may cause problems because they are about the size of a cell but almost all of the electronic fog is a much longer wavelength and this is felt to be quite safe. :)
Microwaves are probably the biggest culprit..its like having a nucleur reactor in the house .
historian said:
There was an interesting artical in the Mail the other day,about the Swindons free WiFi thing. While it said that it was a good thing it also warned of the danger of "electronic fog in the enviroment" It could effect people mainly young children who have softer sculls and can take in this "fog" more readily than adults.

It`s a thought. I`ve offten wondered about all these electrical things giving off electro magnetic emmisions,just what is it doing to all of us-----just a thought.

That is SO typically Daily Mail, scaremongering, critical of good things and sneering.

That newspaper, to me, is everything that is bad about Great Britain.

For years we are warned that electro magnetic fields are harmful yet also for years alternative medicine practitioners have encouraged sufferers of various illnesses to wear magnetic bracelets, which give off - electro magnetic fields.

There is SO much scaremongering and falsehoods abounding today, it really does get me jolly well cross :D
nivrip said:
Just remember that human generated electromagnetic waves have been all around us for over 100 years and even us oldies SEEM to be OK so far. If there had been a problem with EM waves then surely we would have noticed it by now because we have all lived through it.

And, of course, light itself is an EM wave and we've had to put up with that all our lives. It's the very very short wavelengths, such as Xrays and gamma rays, that may cause problems because they are about the size of a cell but almost all of the electronic fog is a much longer wavelength and this is felt to be quite safe. :)

In the case of light,and I presume you are talking about day light made by the sun and spread by the envelope of air around us. That sort of light has been with us since the planet was very young. So in time every living organisms,well nearly all, has adapted to it and more or less makes use of it. But these extra EM waves are on top of what we have; we`ve had no time to adapt to it. Though they may well be of a longer wavelength do we really know how they are affecting us?
And looking at our planet from outer space,it is aglow with EM radiation, natural or artificial. Scary really.