free tutorials

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date


Hello all, I have found several tutorials out there for 2003
however I would like to find one that really emphasis Stored procedures
on a sql server to call and fill datasets to call and insert update
delete etc etc.. the advice of most talk out there is to use stored
procedures however when you see most of the sample code they are using
select statements right in the compiled code. am I the only one who has
found this to be true?

anyways looking for a good site that practices what they all seem to be

Some persons do if a Stored Procedure is something magical. It is not, it is
just a procedure that it stored on the Server instead inside your program.
Therefore it can be *slightly* faster because it is already there.

A Stored Procedure cannot call and/or cannot fill a dataset. You can use a
stored procedure as the given commandstring inside a dataadapter to get that
instead that you sent that first to the server. As well can you use a Stored
Procedure to read information reading a datareader or an

I hope this helps,
