| smlunatick wrote:
| >> Rather than being motivated by a desire to be helpful, you are clearly
| >> lurking here only with the intention to insult and ridiicule.
| >>
| >> Apparently it does not occur to you that I might have a disability,
| >> that opening the case might be a major endeavor, made all the more
| >> fruitless if there were no available slot.
| >>
| >> Thank you for your invaluable (NOT) advice.
| >>
| >> \On Sun, 14 Sep 2008 20:37:19 -0600, "Val"
| >>
| >>> If you tried searching for such an app, you'd have already found that there
| >>> doesn't seem to be any such. And in that time you could have opened the PC,
| >>> cleaned out all the dust, counted your slots, and had time for a cold
| >>> beverage.
| >>> | >>> Using Win XP Home, SP3 installed.
| >>> Is there a way I can determine if my system has a free PCI slot
| >>> without opening the case? Some little used applet in WinXP?
| >>> Thanks
| >
| > Depending on the make / model of your PC, several "name brand" PC
| > makers may have such an application.
| >
| > Also, I have seen several PCs that their BIOS / CMOS appear to show
| > which slots have a "device" inserted.
| >
| > Also, several popular BIOSes can show a "summary" screen, which lists
| > out the "detected" / "configured" devices, before Windows "boots."
| > You might need to set up a "DOS" boot floppy in order to see or
| > practise "pausing" (Pause key) the boot process so as to see this.
| >
| >
| > You might want to look for Belarc Advisor. Not sure if it will show
| > this info.
| Could you find the manual on line? Home brew or not?
| My mobo manual is quite descriptive with great photo
Unfortunately, the motherboard manual will show the number of PCI slots, but not if they are
I repair a lot of computers but have never found a piece of software that accurately lays out the
I can guess at the number of slots use by looking at the rear panel, but even then I can be fooled
when I find that one of the slots is blocked by some other internal feature. The only sure way is
to open the case and look.