I am looking for a free program that will open .rar files/folders. Any
PuppyKatt said:I am looking for a free program that will open .rar files/folders. Any
PuppyKatt said:I am looking for a free program that will open .rar files/folders. Any
I like IZArc, which is freeware / voluntary donationware.PuppyKatt said:I am looking for a free program that will open .rar files/folders. Any
PuppyKatt said:Thank you. I will consider this program, although some dating pop-up
attacked me, even though I have pop ups blocked.
John Corliss said:I've tested about all the archiving programs out there at one time
or another and this one is as reliable and unproblematic as the
shareware Winzip (only mentioned here for comparison purposes.)
*None*, NOT ONE of the other freeware archivers met that standard IME.
Maybe that's changed since I tested each of them, but I figure what
I've got works, so there's no point in looking further.
seabat said:
John Corliss said:I've tested about all the archiving programs out there at one time
or another and this one is as reliable and unproblematic as the
shareware Winzip (only mentioned here for comparison purposes.)
omega said:Found any freeware to handle the MS compressed cab format? I don't mean
regular old cabs. I mean those special setup exes. Those where you see
an icon that has that picture of a yellow postal box in the forefront,
and then a progman-like window behind it.
I've just now right this moment had one them cross my path. It was for a
program mentioned in ACF recently. Log Monitor. http://logmon.bitrix.ru/
I had to pull out $Winzip7 for the job. I would very much prefer if I could
replace with freeware. (I have a licensed $Winzip6, but it's a license
only for that version, and I don't really want to have to consider paying
money for an archive utility.)
Btw, I have not tested Iceows. I was hoping that if it could indeed handle
this format, someone would let me in on the good news.
omega wrote in said:Found any freeware to handle the MS compressed cab format? I don't mean
regular old cabs. I mean those special setup exes. Those where you see
an icon that has that picture of a yellow postal box in the forefront,
and then a progman-like window behind it.
I've just now right this moment had one them cross my path. It was for a
program mentioned in ACF recently. Log Monitor. http://logmon.bitrix.ru/
Bjorn Simonsen said:execab32.zip EXE 2 CAB Converter v3.2 - Converts SFX CAB (EXE)
files to non-SFX CAB files
From the <file_id.diz>:
EXE to CAB converter ver 3.2 Convert
SFX CAB (EXE) files distributed by
Microsoft to non-SFX CAB files.
For Windows 95. By Yuri Niyazov. FreeWare
Tried on the setup.exe in the LogMon archive, worked.
omega wrote in said:I was earlier struggling to come up with the proper name for the format.
Trying to gleen from here... "Microsoft SFX Cabinet files"?
Bjorn Simonsen said:Look at properties for setup.exe from the Log Monitor archive:
"Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor"![]()
omega said:Found any freeware to handle the MS compressed cab format? I don't mean
regular old cabs. I mean those special setup exes. Those where you see
an icon that has that picture of a yellow postal box in the forefront,
and then a progman-like window behind it.
execab32.zip EXE 2 CAB Converter v3.2 - Converts SFX CAB (EXE)
files to non-SFX CAB files