Free petrol stunt dangerous

Brilliant!!.....what an excellent way to get publicity and promote your product :thumb:
£40k of free fuel, But the stunt has made all the front pages & all of the UK news programs, that's not bad for £40k!
Would have cost them more like £400k+ for the coverage they (EA) have got so far.
Whoever thought up the idea came up with a good one!;)
Good idea but why oh why HARINGEY? That I didn't understand. I wonder what kind of publicity they used.
psd99 said:
Good idea but why oh why HARINGEY? That I didn't understand. I wonder what kind of publicity they used.

No publicity..No-one but the owners of the garage and EA knew about it..The likes of us only found out at 6:00am when thye had people with fake guns in uniform standing in the streets with plackards..
psd99 said:
yikes even at 6am you would have been too late?

LOL tell me about it, and just my luck I filled up the car and bike last night..I know i'm used to seen armed police around my neck of the woods.(not far from Finsbury) But I think I would have sh*t myself had I seen somebody in military gear with a Fake fully auto in hand...:lol:
yer sounds a bit daunting I was in North London today earlier on but not in Haringey
and as my luck would have it my car is almost empty on petrol.
Mmmm a bit daunting you say, Lets go for last weekend, 14 year old boy and his sister stabbed 10 metres from their house, he died the next morning, she Monday morning, The week before that some kid falls from a block of flats running from a gang..I could go on..And all this within 150 metres from where I live...
Madxgraphics said:
The likes of us only found out at 6:00am when they had people with fake guns in uniform standing in the streets with plackards..
Very lucky that an ARV Trojan vehicle was not dispatched & people wonder why the Police closed it down so quickly.
EA & the Garage may end up being charged for blocking The Queens Highway!!:thumb:
murdoch said:
Very lucky that an ARV Trojan vehicle was not dispatched & people wonder why the Police closed it down so quickly.
EA & the Garage may end up being charged for blocking The Queens Highway!!:thumb:

And I hope they do, with all the gun crime and violence we have now days I think it was a pretty stupid stunt..And what would EA need to do something like that for..?Its not like they need the publicity or owt..
A stunt like this gets EA lots of free advertising, even more so as it caused so much traffic chaos.
The Met Police were not informed about it before hand & EA know the Met would not have sanctioned it!
FWIW, EA supply terrible customer support.

In fact from what I read and what I've experienced, it's more or less non existent.

Of course, SE London is a non-violent area.

Unless you count multiple murders from knives and guns and two French students tortured to death of course, all recently....