Free mp3 organiser ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy
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Is there a good free mp3 organiser which will do the following ?

1. Scan a user defined folder / Hard Drive for mp3
2. List the mp3s
3. Search ID tags of the mp3s for a search word I enter.
4. Be able to play the mp3 shown (either through in-built player, or linking
to my own mp3 player (JetAudio5)).
5. I can drag & drop the mp3s into Nero6.


hi Andy why not try window's media player ?
i think it can do what you are looking for.

"Andy" <[email protected]> ¦b¶l¥ó ¤¤¼¶
Is there a good free mp3 organiser which will do the following ?

1. Scan a user defined folder / Hard Drive for mp3
2. List the mp3s
3. Search ID tags of the mp3s for a search word I enter.
4. Be able to play the mp3 shown (either through in-built player, or linking
to my own mp3 player (JetAudio5)).
5. I can drag & drop the mp3s into Nero6.


Andy said:
Is there a good free mp3 organiser which will do the following ?

1. Scan a user defined folder / Hard Drive for mp3
2. List the mp3s
3. Search ID tags of the mp3s for a search word I enter.
4. Be able to play the mp3 shown (either through in-built player, or linking
to my own mp3 player (JetAudio5)).
5. I can drag & drop the mp3s into Nero6.


MPEG audio collection does 1-4. For 5 I don't know 'coz I don't use Nero.
Free + free source on sourceforge.

It is heads & shoulders above everything else I have tried.

Andy wrote in
Is there a good free mp3 organiser which will do the following ?

1. Scan a user defined folder / Hard Drive for mp3
2. List the mp3s
3. Search ID tags of the mp3s for a search word I enter.
4. Be able to play the mp3 shown (either through in-built player, or
linking to my own mp3 player (JetAudio5)).
5. I can drag & drop the mp3s into Nero6.
MPEG audio collection does 1-4. For 5 I don't know 'coz I don't
use Nero. Free + free source on sourceforge.

It is heads & shoulders above everything else I have tried.

Please, tell me something. What exactly is so good about this program?
I've tried it, and I simply cannot find whatever makes people praise it
so. What exactly can you *do* with MAC that is so fantastic? I just
don't get it. What does people need it for? Maybe I simply have
radically different needs than everyone else when it comes to
organizing music?

Tone said:
DAN wrote
Please, tell me something. What exactly is so good about this program?
I've tried it, and I simply cannot find whatever makes people praise it so.
Did you try the search feature, all tabs?
What exactly can you *do* with MAC that is so fantastic? I just
don't get it. What does people need it for? Maybe I simply have
radically different needs than everyone else when it comes to
organizing music?

Well I have a collection of 15,000+ files on 60GB, spread over two hard disks
and 70-some data CDs. Some of it dates from the days of Napster and AG. MAC
allows me to stay on top of it, to find what I want easily, to keep it up to
date, etc.

Perhaps I'll describe what I use it for: I consider myself as an ignoramus in
music. Or rather, someone who knows some tiny islands in an immense world of
diversity, and who is also very picky in what he likes.
I am discovering new artists all the time ("new" to me, that is. In fact many
are from the 50s and 60s). The vast majority of what I discover I dislike more
or less strongly, prolly up to 99%. But then within the remaining 1% there are
some very nice songs, and a minuscule proportion of gems that give me immense

I use MAC for 2 main purposes:
- to keep track of what I have liked or disliked and to remember if I want to
d/l more of the same artist/band in the future,
- to keep tabs on what I liked and organize it by genre, language, etc. To be
able to find what I want for the mood of the moment, and to actually locate
it on the disk subdirs or CDs.

With MAC, and with my volume-naming "system" of sorts, I know exactly what I
have, what I liked (and where it is), what I disliked and will avoid, and which
artists to look out for.

And of course, to top it all, I like the interface of MAC. It is clear, simple,
effective, efficient. Works the way I expect it to.

Now, I am not necessarily the average music fan. My taste is primarily in folk,
folklore, classical and jazz. If I were a kid trying to keep up with the latest
fad hit of the week, MAC might not work as well.

I am still struggling a little bit with the organization of the Jazz part of the
collection, because I don't know well enough the sub-genres. Ofc no tool is
going to supply this understanding in my stead.

The rest of the tools I use are Winamp for playing, MP3tagStudio for the tagging
(OT here, adware/$ware), and 1-4a Rename. I enjoy the mp3s either directly on my
home PC, or in the living room off a 20-GB Archos Jukebox mp3-player.
I am happy with this set-up. YMMV.

BTW, I believe that the key to enjoying MP3s is a good organization system that
matches one's own taste and ways of thinking. Only then can software tools be
really helpful to support it. They can not replace our "knowing what we want".

How did I write such a long post? Oh well.
I use MAC for 2 main purposes:
- to keep track of what I have liked or disliked and to remember if I
want to
d/l more of the same artist/band in the future,
- to keep tabs on what I liked and organize it by genre, language,

The one thing that has kept me from trying MAC is that, according to the
information on the homepage, it doesn't do IDv3 genres. From the FAQ:

Q: "Is there some way to have the "Genre" from the ID3-tags included in
the columns that are displayed?
A: "MAC will not support Genres yet. Sorry!"

Is this information outdated? If not, what's your work-around?
Mcubed said:
The one thing that has kept me from trying MAC is that, according to the
information on the homepage, it doesn't do IDv3 genres. From the FAQ:
Is this information outdated? If not, what's your work-around?

Yes it is now outdated. The version 3.91 at sourceforge now supports genre. Also
for searching. (It also catalogs files other than audio, like JPG TXT NFO or
whatever I fancy putting in those directories)

My workaround was to have the volumes labeled by genre. Which I keep now anyway,
because it makes sense to me. Both when classifying, and when looking for
something to listen to. Of course it forces me to decide where to put an artist
who dabbles in different genres, but that has not been a problem so far.

Yes it is now outdated. The version 3.91 at sourceforge now supports
genre. Also for searching. (It also catalogs files other than audio,
like JPG TXT NFO or whatever I fancy putting in those directories)

Wow ... that is great news. I currently use a handful of programs to do
what MAC promises to do, and I didn't bother with MAC because I was
reluctant to deal with yet another program that didn't do everything I
wanted. But if it now supports IDv3 genres (an omission I never
understood -- I mean, why support only parts of the basic tag?), then I
think I might be able to replace a few others with it. Especially as it
will also handle those other formats. I download a lot of CD covers
because I don't have a scanner, but I've not had a good system in place
for keep track of which I have.

Well, I now have a new project to start this weekend.
My workaround was to have the volumes labeled by genre. Which I keep
now anyway, because it makes sense to me. Both when classifying, and
when looking for something to listen to. Of course it forces me to
decide where to put an artist who dabbles in different genres, but
that has not been a problem so far.

Mine I just archive to CD-R as I rip them, regardless of genre, and keep
track of what's where on an OpenOffice spreadsheet. So Beethoven is as
likely as not keeping company with Led Zeppelin and Billie Holiday. None
of my discs have exploded or melted yet, so I guess they're all getting
along. :-)