Free Kaspersky Internet Security - for Barclays customers


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
If you are a customer of Barclays bank and use online banking, you can get a free version of Kaspersky Internet Security :)

When you log in, take a look at the left hand menu for the link :thumb:
Is this anything to do with Barclays on-line getting hacked into recently?
And fake logins being shown, set up by scammers on line to appear to be the bank?
Ian Cunningham said:
When you log in, take a look at the left hand menu for the link :thumb:

Wow ! I never noticed that. How long has it been there? It's never been advertised in big print.

Anyway, I've tried to download it only to get a message stating that the software is "corrupt or incomplete" and a recommendation that I should not continue. :mad:

I shall contact Barclays.
I'm not sure how long it's been online, as I don't bank with Barclays myself - I just read they are providing it now :)

I guess it could be due to all of the phishing e-mails that get sent out, I get tons of them!
nivrip said:
Anyway, I've tried to download it only to get a message stating that the software is "corrupt or incomplete" and a recommendation that I should not continue. :mad:

Just an update on this.

I have had another go at downloading the free package from Barclays and I now have Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 safely installed. It looks very impressive. :nod:
A full scan has not revealed any "nasties" but it does list Vulnerabilities ( which none of my previous AVs have come up with). These are areas where hackers COULD possibly get into the system and KIS then suggests Solutions, which usually involves downloading patches or updates.

One other thing is Anti-Spam Training. This suggests I (or is it the PC?) have to have training on 44 emails and a Wizard is available to implement this. However, on running through the Wizard I have not made any progress and I am still informed that training is required. Is there something similar on KIS7?