Free java games for a mobile phone

Mar 21, 2005
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Does anyone know any site with free java games?

This is to send to a mobile phone.

I have the samsubg Z40 and wireless.

Do not wanted to pay 5.00 pounds for 56k games or less.

Any help?

And i can remember when a mobile phone was the size of a brick.;)
You youngsters of today dont know how lucky you are:p
I don't think it matters about the phone model, just the phone class of java it can run - worth a shot uploading one to the phone and see if it works?
Ian Cunningham said:
I don't think it matters about the phone model, just the phone class of java it can run - worth a shot uploading one to the phone and see if it works?

Hello still can,t get it to work

Got a file called Uploader and a program called softkick

Any help please?