Free hosting vs. Cheap Virtual Hosting

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fiodora
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Free hosting vs. Cheap Virtual HostingPlease help me deside what is the
best for my site.- Free Hosting- Cheap banner-free hosting
Fiodora said:
Free hosting vs. Cheap Virtual HostingPlease help me deside what is
the best for my site.- Free Hosting- Cheap banner-free hosting
Only you can answer that question. It depends on for what you want to
use your site. If this is just a personal site, then perhaps some ads
are not out of place. If this is a professional site, then ads may not
be appropriate.

For ex., I don't think that ads would be appropriate on my own website
because then I'd feel that directing people to it (for tech support
help) would be a conflict of interest. I've been with my web hosting
company for many years and I'm extremely satisfied with them so I don't
mind giving them a plug (for which I get no remuneration):
