Can anyone suggest the best Free Firewall? TIA
Past_It said:Can anyone suggest the best Free Firewall? TIA
Allen_L said:I'll second that recomendation from Eagle Eye...best little firewall
of all. Low resouce, and a lot of options and easy to configure and
use. In my opinion *way* better than Zone Alarm.
ozzy said:I would encourage users looking for firewalls to visit GRC firewall
page : http://grc.com/lt/scoreboard.htm to make a more informed
decision. Although Kerio is new (initial beta Feb 2002) it may well
pass the test found at GRC. Although Allen likes Kerio better than
ZoneAlarm, it doesn't dismiss the fact that ZA is still the #1
firewall used throughout the world. Add to the fact that there is no
documented cases of ZA failing... EVER. Just remember; FREE is
great but not necessarily best ;o)
Can anyone suggest the best Free Firewall? TIA
There was an interesting threadPast_It said:Can anyone suggest the best Free Firewall? TIA
ozzy said:Add to the fact that there is no documented cases of ZA failing... EVER.
Can anyone suggest the best Free Firewall? TIA
Mel said:There was an interesting thread
"Bypassing software firewalls"
mention on one of the GRC newsgroups recently
of those tested, apparently only Sygate Personal v5.0
defeated this exploit.
part of the exploit readme
"MBTEST | mbcx8nlp | (e-mail address removed)
MBTEST is designed to test the susceptibility of 'software firewalls'
to being bypassed via low-level packet injection and capture. In cases
where the firewall is able to filter the relevant traffic they can
be bypassed by packet fragmentation or other means and so we test for
that too.
Please note that this is only a simple demonstration, not a full
evaluation of the technique or your firewall's ability to deal with
The said:Yes...
I find that using those cast off used oven bricks and a little creek
clay mixed with sand gives me the best result.
But, then, I may not be building to code.
Happy to help!
-The Crack Pot
Well, unfortunately, that test is BLOCKED by ALL 'good' firewalls listed on
GRC's website when properly used (internet <==> your PC) Go back & read the
CEO's comments. I have tested MBTEST with Kerio & several other 'good'
firewalls & they all pass. Try to give REAL world tests next time NOT
special setup cases. In the real world, we connect to the nasty Internet.
==> I guess, maybe. there's dozens of complaints about ZA failing in
many NGs.
After using ZA for a year, I went w/Outpost. www.agnitum.