Don said:
I've used it for four years with only a few hiccups. Does a great job for
the price. Other with all these problems are either pushing their product
or are the perpetual whiners that exist on all public groups.
Evidence of that have you?
I never *whined* about AVG in all the years I used it, and I'm damn sure it
was never 'pushed', yet I certainly had problems after ver7 came out.
E-mail probs, resource probs.. Nothing serious I guess, but then during the
problems I decided to try some other free AV programs just to see what else
was out there. I had been using AVG Free for many years, not even looking
at others....
Whilst my daughters PC didn't suffer the same problems with ver7, she did
notice a massive difference in the resources used when Avast was put on
instead of AVG. She has refused to try AVG again as even before ver7 she
claims it used more resources than Avast is using, and as she only has an
older slow machine the problems were easily noticeable. Also, Avast found
and cleared 3 virus infections that AVG had not been detecting, even though
it was checked for updates daily... Another virus AVG did detect, every
daily scan for a month, but did nothing about it at all.. Avast very
promptly removed it on the very first scan (the one it did *before* it
updated the database...)
Another friend of mine was suffering problems but couldn't understand why -
his always up-to-date AVG Free never found anything of concern. He
installed Avast and did a scan, and cleared the 5 virus infections that
Avast found and removed, but that AVG had been missing.. His problems
stopped. Is this a coincidence???
A number of associates of another friend, who is a computer tech, have
reported several problems with AVG not detecting virus's or letting them
in - virus's that other free and commercial software was detecting and
stopping no problems. He was finding a number of machines that users were
experiencing unknown 'problems' that, after a scan using various other AV
software, all were found to have virus problems that AVG was not detecting
or was detecting but was not removing.. Are these also just 'whingers'???
I'm really glad you have found AVG to meet your needs, but please don't
criticise those that have decided to improve their protection by dumping an
obviously faulty free AV program. Of course, maybe you are just easily
satisfied and *believe* all is well - I am happy for you....
Nothing works 100% but I have seen far, far, far more complaints lately
about AVG than I have about any other free AV... I am sure that not all of
these are misguided souls out for a mere *whine*, although no doubt some may
be... Where there is smoke, there often is also fire..........