If you've ever developed anything anywhere anyhow.... you will know
that the code you have working perfectly on your development machine
will refuse to work point blank on a live machine as soon as you
assume otherwise.
I have developed more than anything, anywhere and anyhow in real world
situations starting with development moving to test and to production
servers in the development, test and production implementation cycles. And
it all depends on what is running on those servers other applications using
common dlls, other such resources and whatnot on the server as to whether
something that is developed at the workstation or sever level is going to
run at the server level. And 9 times out of 10 what works on the devlopment
should work on test and should work on production servers if all
environemntes have the same basic setup and are controlled properly.
There is only one way to develop software for running on a server -
test it on a server first...
There is not to much of a difference between the core components of the NT
based O/S whether it be workstation or server.
The only conflicts there might be in something that ran on a NT based
workstation as opposed to a NT based server are conflicts with other
applications using common dlls laid down by applications that were running
out on the server. But as far as the two NT based O/S(s) and their base O/S
core components in the NT scheme, I doubt it. However, nothing is for sure.
Anyway, my question wasn't about whether I ought, or ought not, to
have a server.
It was a suggestion and you can take it or leave it. Either way, it doesn't
mean anything to me and good luck in finding some free AV that's going to
run on a Win 2k3 server. I doubt it.