Darren Harris
I'm force to wipe my hard drive clean and re-installed all needed
applications, so I am attempting to find the best freeware in the
following categorys:
1)Back-up protection
2)Graphics editor(vector)
3)Atomic Time(for keeping pc clock accurate)
4)Small desktop callendar
5)MP3 Player
6)Ram Disk App
7)Anti-virus protection
A couple of years ago, I came across a site with a list of free
programs in various categorys, but cannot find it now. Does such a
site still exist?
P.S: Program recommdations relating the above would be greatly
Thanks a lot.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
applications, so I am attempting to find the best freeware in the
following categorys:
1)Back-up protection
2)Graphics editor(vector)
3)Atomic Time(for keeping pc clock accurate)
4)Small desktop callendar
5)MP3 Player
6)Ram Disk App
7)Anti-virus protection
A couple of years ago, I came across a site with a list of free
programs in various categorys, but cannot find it now. Does such a
site still exist?
P.S: Program recommdations relating the above would be greatly
Thanks a lot.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.