I have used
www.activevirusshield.com (courtesy of AOL) many times to help
out friends.
You can use disposable e-mail addresses (no AOHell address necessary) to
receive your key, and you get a fully functional 1-year subscription to
kaspersky v6 virus scanner, which includes a on-access scanner and
automatic updater, _without_ the "internet security" bloatware.
On install, you get the offer to install a "security toolbar" as well, which
you can deny for good. No spam so far on the spamgourmet addies I gave
I find your comment concerning the absence of spam on the disposable
email addys interesting. I used my normal email addy, and my ISP
does spam filtering .... so I've had no idea what to tell people
concerning this potential issue. I receive very little spam in any
Concerning adware, there is none. Concerning paranoia over
possible "undetectable" spyware, the arguments against this
1. Eugene Kaspersky wouldn't allow it since it would cast
suspicion on his entire product line.
2. No experts have yet discovered and exposed any such
thing in the AOL AVS product yet, that I'm aware of.
Something else I might mention. When I enable both file
and email modules, thus enabling realtime or backgound
scanning, I don't notice any sluggishness or slowdowns
on my 1.6 ghz Win 2K machine with 256 meg RAM. The
AVS product does incorporate the new "speedup"
technologies which were introduced with KAV version 6.
AVS "feels" very light and transparent on my PC.
Note that we are talking here about the AOL AVS
product and _not_ the AOL security suite the OP